The 3rd Age

Special Extended Edition

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Nan Tathren

Avatar of {IP}Solstice


Category: Maps
Created: Saturday July 28, 2012 - 2:04
Updated: Saturday July 28, 2012 - 21:03
Views: 6589
Summary: A 2 player map of Nan tathren.


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2 votes

Hello again, it's me Solstice,

Nan Tathren was the area where the rivers Narog and Sirion confluence d, it was one of the more peaceful parts of beleriand.

I hope you all enjoy it as I feel it is one of my better maps that i've made.

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Nan tathren2684July 28, 2012 - 2:05



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Naugrim. - Thursday January 17, 2013 - 20:19

The lighting on this map is really cool, and as always, your texturing is very good. I do have to complain about how blue the pool with the statue is. Also, you could use the mound and dig tools to make the cliffs a bit more rocky. Overall, a very nice map.

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