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The Battle of Five Armies Revamped

Download for Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

Avatar of Link058


Category: Maps
Created: Tuesday October 2, 2012 - 21:34
Updated: Tuesday October 2, 2012 - 22:49
Views: 14905
Summary: A remake of my previous version of the Battle of Five Armies.


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2 votes

"This map features the Battle of Five Armies, a major conflict as described in The Hobbit. It includes Gandalf, Bard the Bowman, Thorin Oakenshield, Eagle-lord Gwaihir, Elven-king Thranduil, and Beorn as the heroes.

This is a standard wave-by-wave preset army map where three players and one computer control an army: Men, Elves & Eagles, Dwarves, and Goblins respectively.
The objective is to survive the 20 waves of goblins, orcs, etc."

After brushing up on my mapping skills throughout the years and remembering that I still haven't uploaded it, I figured I'd present a better version of the Battle of Five Armies.
While the .ini remains mostly unchanged aside from a few tweaks, an added power, and some FXs, I created an entirely new map from scratch based on an image showing the general formation and geography of the battle.

Here is a list of some of the changes from the previous version:
- Entirely different map
- 1 New power for the boss
- Boss scripted to use new power
- Less units overall, noticeable in some waves more than others
- Garrisonable ruined towers
- Single player mode enabled through scripts: Set Army to Men and the two allied computers as anything other than Elves or Dwarves. You must be Player 1. Starting positions go from bottom to top (ie. Player 1 is the bottom spot and Player 4 is the top).

I've tested it numerous times so I know there are some things to work out including some enemies getting stuck in the river and so on, but overall the experience should be more fulfilling.
Once again, this map uses ROTWK units so it is not playable on BFMEII or BFMEI. Those versions would require heavy altering of map and ini file. In any case I hope that anyone who still plays the game will find this enjoyable.

Links / Downloads

Battle of Five Armies Revamped6382October 2, 2012 - 22:46

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