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Adding a simple cell-shading effect to BFME models

Avatar of Mathijs


Category: Graphics
Level: Intermediate
Created: Thursday October 18, 2012 - 12:29
Updated: Thursday October 18, 2012 - 13:10
Views: 5716
Summary: A tutorial in which the process of applying a simple cell-shading effect to BFME models is explained


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I'll keep this as short and sweet as possible, because the process is really very simple.

Step 1: Import your model

This can be any model, building, unit, whatever you want. I chose my hoplite model.

User image

Step 2: Cloning your model

Select every mesh of your model and go to Edit > Clone. Make sure you tick Copy, then press OK.

User image

Step 3: Adding modifiers to your model

Once you've copied your model, select one mesh at a time and apply two modifiers. To do this, go to the modifier dropdown menu on the right of the screen, as seen below:

User image

First select the Normal modifier. Make sure the Flip Normals box is ticked, though it should be normally.

Then go to the modifier dropdown menu again and select the Push modifier. You will be able to enter a value. I suggest a negative value of -0,08, although you can experiment with other negative numbers to increase or decrease the line thickness.

Do this for every copied mesh.

Step 4: Apply a black material (texture) to your copied, flipped and pushed meshes.

This is pretty self-explanatory. Make sure you follow the W3D method of applying textures using the BFME2 modding tools available for 3dsmax 7 and 8. Applying the texture will determine the color of the lines, so if you want a different color from black, use a different texture.

Step 5: Export your model

As this is an intermediate tutorial, I'm going to assume you know how to do this. If not, check some of the basic tutorials, which cover the subject extensively.

This is my result:

User image

It could use some tweaking, but you get the general idea.

As a sidenote, when rigging your cell-shaded model, make sure you rig the copied meshes exactly like you rig the primary meshes.

Finally, the result of a little bit of fiddling with the settings produced a more well-rounded result:

User image

Note that I used fairly small negative numbers on my push modifiers and that negatives closer to zero will produce more pronounced results.


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Radspakr Wolfbane (Team Chamber Member) - Thursday May 2, 2013 - 8:12
This one although it's a little different.
You can also animate the texture to create an aura and you clean up some of the normals using vertexpaint.

DIGI_Byte (Team Chamber Member) - Friday January 25, 2013 - 22:01

I believe there is already a tutorial for this by Radspakr
I came across this idea back in 2010 when I was working aside with Radspakr

Also that Push isn't enough in game, should be double that atleast

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