The 3rd Age

Broken Sword: Expansion Pack

Broken Sword: Expansion Pack

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Music, for serve :)

Download for Battle for Middle-earth BFME

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Category: Other
Created: Sunday December 16, 2012 - 18:01
Updated: Sunday December 16, 2012 - 18:05
Views: 4066
Summary: simple, is music i would compose for a mod or modder who would contact me is for free :)


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1 vote

Well this is simple, I'm entering into the music industry, I wont say Im a pro at this but as a manner to practice and give something to this great page I can give for FREE soundtrack composed for an specific mod and if the admins would allow to me give up some music as a resourse for every common modder to use. right now I want to compose specific music. simply contact me at my hotmail tell me the type of music you need I mean for an evil faction, peacefull music, etc...

since Howard shore is an experienced composer i wont promise I will make a huge theme as any of the great songs there are of this composer. yet i feel an interesting hit with the a project I have not really in the dimention of the Lord of the rings. it's kind of medieval something like that.

I will leave a little part of a project i mentioned I hope you enjoy it.
take care


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the glimpse of the project1148December 16, 2012 - 18:05




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Bofur - Sunday August 4, 2013 - 11:56

That's actually pretty good, though more medieval than Lord of the Rings. Keep it up!

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