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Register and log in to move these advertisements down Adding Sam and Frodo to SkirmishTutorial for BFME
This time we adding those two missing Hobbits to the Skirmish gameplay mode.
INIs you need to modify : frodo.ini sam.ini (You find those in : data\ini\object\goodfaction\units\rohan) playertemplate.ini (data\ini) Begin with Frodo. Frodo is working perfectly you need only to add a BuildCost and Buildtime to him. Open the ini and search for : "design parameters" You find this : ; ***DESIGN parameters *** Side = Rohan EditorSorting = UNIT ThreatLevel = 4.0 ThingClass = CHARACTER_UNIT DisplayMeleeDamage = HOBBIT_SWORD_DAMAGE DisplayRangedDamage = HOBBIT_ROCK_DAMAGE You need to add BuildCost and BuildTime to him so change it! (If you dont change this, the heroes price is free and buildtime is 0.) ; ***DESIGN parameters *** Side = Rohan EditorSorting = UNIT ThreatLevel = 4.0 ThingClass = CHARACTER_UNIT BuildCost = 100 BuildTime = 20 DisplayMeleeDamage = HOBBIT_SWORD_DAMAGE DisplayRangedDamage = HOBBIT_ROCK_DAMAGE The next is Sam. Just do the same. You can change the cost and time what you want. Now we need to add them into a faction.(I recommend to Gondor because Gondor dont have too much heroes.) Open the playertemplate.ini search for BuildableheroesMP and just type RohanFrodo , RohanSam : PlayerTemplate FactionGondor Side = Gondor PlayableSide = Yes Evil = No StartMoney = 0 MaxLevelMP = 33 ; 32 ; 1 extra for CB MaxLevelSP = 78 ;80 PreferredColor = R:43 G:150 B:179 IntrinsicSciences = SCIENCE_GOOD IntrinsicSciencesMP = SCIENCE_GONDOR SpellBook = GoodSpellBook SpellBookMp = GondorSpellBook PurchaseScienceCommandSet = GoodSpellStoreCommandSet PurchaseScienceCommandSetMP = GondorSpellStoreCommandSet ;SpecialPowerShortcutCommandSet = SpecialPowerShortcutChina ;SpecialPowerShortcutWinName = GenPowersShortcutBarChina.wnd ;SpecialPowerShortcutButtonCount = 5 DisplayName = INI:FactionGondor ;StartingBuilding = GondorStable ;StartingUnit0 = GondorFighter DefaultPlayerAIType = GondorSkirmishAI ;ScoreScreenImage = China_ScoreScreen ;LoadScreenImage = SNFactionLogoPage_China ;LoadScreenMusic = Load_China ;FlagWaterMark = WatermarkChina ;EnabledImage = SSObserverChina BeaconName = MultiplayerBeacon ;SideIconImage = GameinfoCHINA LightPointsUpSound = GondorLightPointsUp ObjectiveAddedSound = Gui_MissionObjectiveNew ObjectiveCompletedSound = Gui_MissionObjectiveCompleted InitialUpgrades = Upgrade_GondorFaction ;Any upgrades this player template is born with. BuildableHeroesMP = GondorGandalf GondorBoromir GondorFaramir RohanPippin RohanFrodo RohanSam SpellStoreCurrentPowerLabel = APT:SpellStoreCurrentEvenstarPower SpellStoreMaximumPowerLabel = APT:SpellStoreMaximumEvenstarPower End Now you can play with that two Hobbits in Skirmish too. |
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