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Adding Sam and Frodo to Skirmish

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth BFME

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Category: Code
Level: Beginner
Created: Wednesday February 6, 2013 - 6:28
Updated: Wednesday February 6, 2013 - 7:20
Views: 7465
Summary: A help to add Sam and Frodo to Skirmish


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This time we adding those two missing Hobbits to the Skirmish gameplay mode.

INIs you need to modify : frodo.ini sam.ini (You find those in : data\ini\object\goodfaction\units\rohan) playertemplate.ini (data\ini)

Begin with Frodo. Frodo is working perfectly you need only to add a BuildCost and Buildtime to him.
Open the ini and search for : "design parameters" You find this :

    ; ***DESIGN parameters ***
    Side = Rohan
    EditorSorting = UNIT
    ThreatLevel = 4.0
    ThingClass = CHARACTER_UNIT
    DisplayMeleeDamage = HOBBIT_SWORD_DAMAGE                
    DisplayRangedDamage = HOBBIT_ROCK_DAMAGE

You need to add BuildCost and BuildTime to him so change it! (If you dont change this, the heroes price is free and buildtime is 0.)

    ; ***DESIGN parameters ***
    Side = Rohan
    EditorSorting = UNIT
    ThreatLevel = 4.0
    ThingClass = CHARACTER_UNIT
    BuildCost = 100
    BuildTime = 20
    DisplayMeleeDamage = HOBBIT_SWORD_DAMAGE                
    DisplayRangedDamage = HOBBIT_ROCK_DAMAGE

The next is Sam. Just do the same. You can change the cost and time what you want.

Now we need to add them into a faction.(I recommend to Gondor because Gondor dont have too much heroes.)

Open the playertemplate.ini search for BuildableheroesMP and just type RohanFrodo , RohanSam :

PlayerTemplate FactionGondor
    Side = Gondor
    PlayableSide = Yes
    Evil             = No
    StartMoney = 0
    MaxLevelMP            = 33 ; 32 ; 1 extra for CB
    MaxLevelSP            = 78 ;80
    PreferredColor = R:43 G:150 B:179
    IntrinsicSciences    = SCIENCE_GOOD
    IntrinsicSciencesMP = SCIENCE_GONDOR
    SpellBook            = GoodSpellBook
    SpellBookMp            = GondorSpellBook
    PurchaseScienceCommandSet    = GoodSpellStoreCommandSet
    PurchaseScienceCommandSetMP    = GondorSpellStoreCommandSet
    ;SpecialPowerShortcutCommandSet = SpecialPowerShortcutChina
    ;SpecialPowerShortcutWinName = GenPowersShortcutBarChina.wnd
    ;SpecialPowerShortcutButtonCount = 5
    DisplayName = INI:FactionGondor
    ;StartingBuilding = GondorStable
    ;StartingUnit0 = GondorFighter
    DefaultPlayerAIType = GondorSkirmishAI
    ;ScoreScreenImage = China_ScoreScreen
    ;LoadScreenImage = SNFactionLogoPage_China
    ;LoadScreenMusic = Load_China
    ;FlagWaterMark = WatermarkChina
    ;EnabledImage = SSObserverChina
    BeaconName = MultiplayerBeacon
    ;SideIconImage = GameinfoCHINA
    LightPointsUpSound = GondorLightPointsUp
    ObjectiveAddedSound = Gui_MissionObjectiveNew
    ObjectiveCompletedSound = Gui_MissionObjectiveCompleted
    InitialUpgrades    = Upgrade_GondorFaction ;Any upgrades this player template is born with.
    BuildableHeroesMP = GondorGandalf GondorBoromir GondorFaramir RohanPippin RohanFrodo RohanSam
    SpellStoreCurrentPowerLabel = APT:SpellStoreCurrentEvenstarPower
    SpellStoreMaximumPowerLabel = APT:SpellStoreMaximumEvenstarPower

Now you can play with that two Hobbits in Skirmish too.

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