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Category: Maps
Created: Wednesday July 31, 2013 - 0:51
Updated: Wednesday July 31, 2013 - 0:52
Views: 7923
Summary: The site where a mysterious alien rock crash landed.


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1 vote

1v1 Camp map. This map is one that I feel is better than my first, though I still have much to learn. Please leave any advice to help me further learn. -Athieric

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Download2771July 31, 2013 - 0:52




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MattTheLegoman (Team Chamber Member) - Thursday August 22, 2013 - 3:29

Great map, I gave it a 3 because it does need some improvements (art and minimap, also there is a small amount of unblended tiles), but there is some good terrain work and a nice design.

Can I make the minimaps for you - I can convert whatever picture you send me to the proper size and format (.tga) I could also draw up the minimap for you as well. I use TGATool from Empire Earth Heaven.
My tips: Click on, at the top: View -> Tile Feedback -> Show Unblended Tiles to highlight the places that the terrain has not blended. Do this for Estolad and Erech so you can get a better looking map.

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