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This is a remade version of NordicSoldier's "Movie Map". I'd like to say that I remade this map not because it wasn't enjoyable to play but because it was so different, fun and just generally great that it warranted a visual update so that the rest of it can be appreciated in its entirety. The map features several locations in the following order: 1:Moria - Balins Tomb, Dwarodwelf (tiny), Khazad-dûm 2:EastGate 3:Amon-Hen 4:Rohan 5:Fangorn 6:Helms Deep 7:Isengard 8:Ithilien 9:Paths of the Dead 10:Minas Tirith 11:Shelob's Lair 12:Cirith Ungol 13:The Black Gate 14:Mount Doom There are a bunch of fancy cinematics throughout the level, but don't worry in comparison to the size of the map they don't slow you down or cause de-synch errors (provided your computer isn't super slow). Each of the "Iconic" locations (Helms Deep e.t.c) contain a large scale battle each of which requires constant monitoring to ensure victory, communication within teams is important in this regard. Each battle also has a huge amount of audio (and music) to make each battle feel more like that of the films. There are two versions of the map included, the multiplayer version & the singleplayer version. Both are identical, other than the cinematics which are more fancy in the singleplayer as there's no chance of a de-synch error. Now I've got some important notes that you should read for your benefit: 1:If you already have a copy of the map you should delete it as currently Modb is the only location with an up-to date copy, older copies have de-synch errors. 2:If you're going to play online but have just previously played a map containing a map.ini, please restart your game to minimize risk off errors. 3:Single Player should be played in patch 1.03 as patch 1.05 speeds up the timing of scripts making things happen to quickly (cinematics are a bit weird when sped up). 4:If you don't now how to install/remove maps please look at this tutorial - http://www.the3rdage.net/item-168?addview 5:Any questions please PM me here 6:I'd recommend playing the map on the 3rd age online as the server runs the map better, gameranger can lag a lot more often. EDIT 02/02/2014: I've re-uploaded the map because the previous multiplayer version didn't work, I've removed certain cinematics and now it appears to run fine. Links / Downloads
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