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BFME 2: Arcade Edition

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Download for Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2, Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

Avatar of -SilverBane-


Category: Maps
Created: Sunday June 14, 2015 - 13:25
Updated: Sunday June 14, 2015 - 13:36
Views: 16529
Summary: An elven underground fortress built by Finrod Felagund in the First Age.


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A short description about the history of this fortress:

Nargothrond was the Elven stronghold built by Finrod Felagund, delved into the banks of the river Narog in Beleriand during the First Age.

Inspired by Menegroth in Doriath, and seeking a hidden place from which to be safe from the forces of Morgoth, Finrod established it in the early years following the return of the Noldor to Middle-earth, in the Caverns of Narog beneath the forested hills of Taur-en-Faroth on the western bank of Narog. He was aided by the Dwarves of Nogrod who also made for him the Nauglamir, the Necklace of the Dwarves.

Originally, a narrow path along the banks of the river could only reach it, but later a bridge was built across Narog. Turin persuaded Orodreth to build the Bridge of Nargothrond to allow speedy passage of forces into the field. Orodreth built the bridge from his doors across the Narog, and went to open war with Morgoth.
In centuries of searching, Morgoth had been unable to find the fortress of Nargothrond, but now not only was its location revealed, but the new bridge removed the defence of the River Narog. Glaurung the dragon was sent out from Angband with an army of Orcs to capture the city. After the defeat of the army of Nargothrond at the field of Tumhalad in FA 495, Glaurung and his army of Orcs came south, crossed the bridge, and sacked the city killing or selling the survivors into slavery.

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Are you ready to defend this ancient fortress against the forces of Morgoth? - in this case, the other three players?


  • 3v1 map
  • Realist mountains
  • Neutral capturable buildings
  • Farm radius reduced to fit better the map
  • Different 1.06 bug fixes

  • Good luck and have fun!

    Links / Downloads

    Nargothrond4348June 14, 2015 - 13:35
    Nargothrond - on bfme2 heaven site2086June 14, 2015 - 13:33

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