The 3rd Age

Return of Shadow

Return of Shadow

A large scale mod that greatly expands the game.

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Bfme mini mod

Mod for Battle for Middle-earth BFME

Avatar of Dickenson


Category: Beta Mods
Created: Sunday January 5, 2020 - 20:29
Updated: Monday January 6, 2020 - 13:11
Views: 5041
Summary: Just a mini mod for Bfme 1


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Maybe you heard about my mod "The best of". was 8 years ago...I did´t know much about modding and nothing about modding my idea to use the best stuff (in my opinion) from other mods was very unlucky. Therefore the reactions were...not good. For long time I did not make nothing with my ideas. But I believe that I can bring something (even if not much) that the Bfme gamers will enjoy. So I decided to try to finish it.
I like BFME I and II. But for me BFME I is more realistic. So I decided to work on BFME I even if BFME II offers more game and modding options.

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Bfme mini mod919January 5, 2020 - 20:30

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