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Beginners Guide to Map Making

Avatar of m@tt


Category: Worldbuilder
Level: Beginner
Created: Saturday March 31, 2007 - 7:11
Updated: Saturday March 31, 2007 - 9:47
Views: 10453
Summary: A Beginners Guide to Map Making


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8 votes

The attachment contains three must read PDF files about the basic of map making

1. Getting Started
2. Terrain
3. Texture

It was primarily written for BFME II and its expansion, however a lot does carry over to vanilla BFME.

I really really really hate it when people publish bad maps, that haven't been thought out, are mono-textured, the hills and mountains have been done in seconds etc.

These tutorials will help you get beyond that stage.

Remember, you need patience with Worldbuilder. You cannot make a good map by rushing.

Links / Downloads

Beginners Guide to Map Making4356March 31, 2007 - 7:12




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m@tt (Team Chamber Member) - Wednesday February 10, 2010 - 3:45

I have Windows 7 too (this tutorial was written years ago, before 7).


Lord Eniam - Tuesday February 9, 2010 - 13:33

I am on Windows 7 and I do not have Application Data or Documents and Settings. I am not sure where to go, I have checked many other things looking for SOMETHING that may relate, but I am at a loss. Any ideas?

Puzzler33 - Tuesday August 19, 2008 - 10:36

I have found this tutorial VERY useful and now I understand textures, mountains despite being a little unsure about rivers and fords and stuff...
I now know how to start map making at a basic level. Thankyou.
HOWEVER- I cannot seem to do ANYTHING on world builder, after my first couple attempts failed at making waypoints, creeps, farm system things and so on, I CANNOT PLACE ANYTHING ON THE MAP. It gives me the white hand and rather than placing, for example, an inn (which I had success in doing at my first attempts) I simply cannot. All it allows me to do Is move around the grey sea of land and/or zoom in or out! Is there anything I can do to enable the basic plotting objects option?!?!


I have found this tutorial VERY useful and now I understand textures, mountains despite being a little unsure about rivers and fords and stuff...
I now know how to start map making at a basic level. Thankyou.
HOWEVER- I cannot seem to do ANYTHING on world builder, after my first couple attempts failed at making waypoints, creeps, farm system things and so on, I CANNOT PLACE ANYTHING ON THE MAP. It gives me the white hand and rather than placing, for example, an inn (which I had success in doing at my first attempts) I simply cannot. All it allows me to do Is move around the grey sea of land and/or zoom in or out! Is there anything I can do to enable the basic plotting objects option?!?!

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