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Minas Tirith

Avatar of m@tt


Category: Maps
Created: Saturday March 31, 2007 - 10:01
Updated: Saturday March 31, 2007 - 10:02
Views: 25128
Summary: Minas Tirith 3 Player Skimish Map


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8 votes

Converted campaign map, with one player (must be Gondor!) controlling the city and two camps outside.

Its a skirmish only map, i.e. no scripting. A few Economy Plots and Expansion Flags around. Comes with both a Minimap plus a loading image.

Links / Downloads

Minas Tirith11433March 31, 2007 - 10:02


Electronic Arts


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Keromalas - Friday August 14, 2009 - 16:07

Nice map. Really liked it. You should do something like this but with scripts and perhaps a Helms Deep one with scripts. I've tried it, it's difficult but according to your WB tutorial you need patience. ;)

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