The 3rd Age

Battles of Gondor, the War in the South

Battles of Gondor, the War in the South

Converts BfME2 RotWK to the war in the south, bettween the armys of Gondor and Mordor. 4.0 released.

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Free Models/Skins from The Dead Player

Avatar of Clement


Category: Resources
Created: Sunday March 25, 2007 - 7:18
Updated: Monday June 3, 2013 - 18:01
Views: 58149
Summary: Here you can download some free models/skins made by The Dead Player


Staff says


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29 votes

Below you can download some models and textures from the BFME 2 Deluxe Edition, which has been discontinued. Don't forget to give credit. (To find the files go to the bottom of this page in the Link/Download section!)

Rohan Warrior
User image

Model Name: ruwarrior.w3d
Skeleton: gumaarms_skl.w3d
Textures Names:
- ruspearman.tga
- rushield.tga
- ruwarweap.tga
Forged Blade:
- exlnzflar2.tga
- Forged Blade

Rohan Spearman
User image

Model Name: ruspearman.w3d
Skeleton: gutowergrd_skl.w3d
Textures Names:
- ruspearman.tga
- rushield.tga
Forged Blade:
- exlnzflar2.tga
- Forged Blade

Rohan Reskin Pack
User image

Model Name: ruspearman.w3d
Skeleton: gutowergrd_skl.w3d
Textures Names:
- rushield.tga
- rushield01.tga
- rushield02.tga
- rushield03.tga
- rushield04.tga
- rushield05.tga
- rushield06.tga
- rushield07.tga

Men of Dale
User image

Model Name: DUMODSWD.w3d
Skeleton: gumaarms_skl.w3d
Textures Names:
- dumenofdale.tga
- dumendalecloak.tga
- dumodshield.tga
- dumenofdale_ha.tga
- dudalecloak_ha.tga
- dumodshield_ha.tga
Normal Sword:
- dumodsword.tga
Forged Blade:
- dumodsword_ha.tga
- Forged Blade
- Heavy Armor

Archers of Dale
User image

Model Name: DUMODBOW.w3d
Skeleton: guarcher_skl.w3d
Textures Names:
- dumenofdale.tga
- dumendalecloak.tga
- dumenofdale_ha.tga
- dudalecloak_ha.tga
- Fire Arrows
- Heavy Armor

Dale Banner
User image

Model Name: DUDALEBN.w3d
Skeleton: gubanner_skl.w3d
Textures Names:
- dumenofdale.tga
- dudalebanner.tga
- dumendalecloak.tga

King Brand
User image

Model Name: DUKINGBRAND.w3d
Skeleton: rulegolas_skl.w3d
Textures Names:
- dukbrand.tga

Khazad Guard
User image

Model Name: DUKHAZGUA.w3d
Skeleton: rugimli_skl.w3d
Textures Names:
- dukhazad.tga
- dukazweap.tga

Morgul Warriors
User image

Model Name: MuMorgul.w3d
Skeleton: chss_gb_skl.w3d
Textures Names:
- muhelmets.tga
- mumorgul.tga
- mushields.tga
- mushields2.tga
- muweap.tga
- muweap2.tga
Elements Names:
- shield01
- shield02
- shield03
- shield04
- shield05
- helmet01
- helmet02
- helmet03
- helmet04
- weap01
- weap02
- weap03
- weap04
- weap05
- weap06
- weap07
For that unit be completely functional you have to use the LUA system, a tutorial about it is coming so be patient!

User image

Model Name: MUHASS_SKN.w3d
Skeleton: mucorsar_skl.w3d
Textures Names:
- muhass.tga
- muhasscloak.tga

Rhûn Riders
User image

Model Name: MUEASTCA_SKN.w3d
Skeleton: gucavalry_skl.w3d
Textures Names:
- mueastcav.tga
- mueastern.tga
- swrd_01.tga
- mueastcav.tga
- mueastern_ha
- swrd_01.tga

Rhûn Rider Banner
User image

Model Name: mueahrsban_skn.w3d
Skeleton: rurrmbnr_skl.w3d
Textures Names:
- mueastcav.tga
- mueastern.tga
- swrd_01.tga
- mueasterban.tga

Orc pikemen
User image

Model Name: mupikeman_a.w3d and mupikeman_b.w3d
Skeleton: iupikeman_skl.w3d
Textures Names:
- muorcwarr.tga
- mupikbois.tga
- mupikl1.tga
- mupikl2.tga
- Forged Blade

Goblins Pikemen
User image

Model Name: wupikeman_a.w3d and wupikeman_b.w3d
Skeleton: iupikeman_skl.w3d
Textures Names:
- mugblnswrd.tga
- mupikbois.tga
- mupikl1.tga
- mupikl2.tga
- Forged Blade
- Heavy Armor

© All Rights Reserved Clément Roy | The Dead Player.
You can use and edit them like you want but you shouldn't forget that they are not yours, those models have been made by The Dead Player and he's the legitimate author. No support will be provided.

Links / Downloads

Rohan Spearman3052August 17, 2008 - 1:35
Rohan Warrior2969August 17, 2008 - 1:35
Rohan Shields Reskin Pack2808August 17, 2008 - 1:34
Rhûn Rider3038July 1, 2007 - 5:57
Orc Pikeman3378April 21, 2007 - 19:44
Goblin Pikeman3366April 21, 2007 - 19:43
Orc Pikeman3278April 21, 2007 - 19:42
Rhûn Rider Banner3429April 21, 2007 - 19:42
Assassin3470April 21, 2007 - 19:41
Morgul Warriors3825April 21, 2007 - 19:40
Khazad Guard3294April 21, 2007 - 19:39
King Brand3315April 21, 2007 - 19:39
Dale Banner3199April 21, 2007 - 19:39
Archers of Dale3325April 21, 2007 - 19:38
Men of Dale3568April 21, 2007 - 19:38
Screenshots and Renders3607March 25, 2007 - 7:37


Display order: Newest first | Page: 1, 2, 3

Anthem - Tuesday December 29, 2009 - 6:09

One boring thing is that you can't use the morgul warriors in BFME 1, unless you rebind them. I'd like to have them in my mod, so I did that. Please just send me a message and I'll send them to you. The nu skeleton is MUGblnSwrd_SKL.

EDIT: Ofc I won't say that they're mine, and if you get them from me you shouldn't either.

{AE}Manveru - Thursday August 6, 2009 - 10:11

@GD - Try this tutorial.

Great Dwarf - Thursday June 11, 2009 - 23:32

sry i am new...i really dont know how to work this...can someone tell me?plz

{AE}Manveru - Wednesday April 1, 2009 - 17:59

Thank you SOOO much. I'll probably use some of these in my mod (crediting you of course)

dethwaker3 - Friday October 31, 2008 - 20:25

King Brand have w3d error when I try to use it

Edit: Nvm it worked.

And yea...the shield texture is invisble...

TheWickedOne - Saturday October 4, 2008 - 15:35

The Rohan Fighters don't work for me, their shield texture does not appear. The rest work. I send you a message, i would appreciate it if you would help me DeadPlayer, I do have the asset.dat right if your wondering.

ILUTAVAR - Sunday March 23, 2008 - 8:44

cool, nice Rhûn riders

Centurion - Tuesday November 6, 2007 - 20:36

I'm really having trouble with the Morgul Orcs. How do I add them so they have differing helmets, shields and weapons in each horde like the Mordor Orcs?


Never mind, totally ignore my previous comment. Great models though!

Shane - Friday September 21, 2007 - 23:36

Love the skins, but got one question, can u point me to a tutorial that will help me to add these to my game?

New to this, so sorry I had to ask!

Ultama - Sunday August 19, 2007 - 9:48

How can we add this to the game O.o these look supremely AWSOME!

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