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Shadows of Evil Mod

Mod for Battle for Middle-earth BFME

Avatar of GothmogtheOrc


Category: Finished Mods
Created: Saturday March 31, 2007 - 14:01
Updated: Monday May 19, 2014 - 20:27
Views: 23480
Summary: A released mod for BFME I that improves Mordor and Isengard


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18 votes

The precursor to my Kings of the West mod, Shadows of Evil contains many of my previously released mini-mods combined into one large mod. The mod focuses on Mordor and Isengard with no changes to Gondor or Rohan.

Some of the basics of the mod:

  • Compatible with patch 1.03 of BFME I as well as online multiplayer.

  • Completely finished and released mod: no bugs, errors, unfinished text or buttons.

  • Additions or changes to Gameplay:

  • New Mordor Hero: Khamul the Easterling. Not the nazgul Khamul but rather a rhun pikeman who leads by example with his leadership (+250 Experience, +50% Armor, +200% Damage ), Pillage, and Blade Master powers. At a cost of only 1200 he is the perfect early game hero for mordor.

  • Adds the Witch-King on foot, with a toggle to mount his Fellbeast

  • Adds the following powers to the Witch-King on foot:
  • *Leadership (+100% Experience, +50% Armor, +200% Damage),
    *Toggle between War Mace and Sword,
    *'Morgul Blade' Special Power (Reduces target Speed to 25%, armour to 50%, and Damage to 50%),
    *'The Black Breath' (Basically Saruman's Wormtongue power with a slightly larger radius),
    *'This is my Hour' (Blast that kills all enemy heroes in radius... includes new audio and an awesome new FX),
    *Mount Fellbeast

  • The following powers are added to Saruman, who now starts at level 10:
  • *"Industry" (Spell similar to the existing Industry only with a base-wide radius)
    *"Word of Power" (Red WoP identical to Gandalf's WoP, only its red)

  • The mod also contains 12 new team colors for Skirmish and Multiplayer (in addition to the original colors). The colors included are:
  • -2 shades of grey
    -Black, white
    -New red, blue, teal, gold, and yellow
    -Hot Pink and Neon Green
    -Gray Green (Awesome Rohan/Fellowship color. It's the color of the Fellowship's Lothlorien cloaks)

    To download the mod you can click on the direct link below, or you can visit my website and download it there on the 'downloads' page.

    The mod comes with an installer that you can run for easy installation.

    If you have any comments on the mod or if you find a bug or error, please visit my forums via the link below and tell me about it.

    Links / Downloads

    Shadows of Evil Mod Page on my site3007December 31, 2007 - 13:31
    Shadows of Evil Mod DOWNLOAD5260March 31, 2007 - 14:11
    Shadows of Evil help thread in forums2535March 31, 2007 - 14:10
    GothmogtheOrc's Forums2479March 31, 2007 - 14:09
    GothmogtheOrc's Website2583March 31, 2007 - 14:08


    Display order: Newest first | Page: 1, 2

    balrog named marty - Friday September 5, 2008 - 4:53

    so i download yuor shadows of evil i instal it and pres on it and it says ***FATAL***String manager failed to initialized properly can yuo say the problem


    send to my email


    plyzz help

    GothmogtheOrc (Team Chamber Member) - Monday December 31, 2007 - 13:29

    Both problems have been fixed ;) They were the result of my recent update to my site which messed up the URL links.

    Fiodis - Thursday December 20, 2007 - 13:55

    I tried to download the map. It looks awesome, but none of the download links worked. I tried the one that said download and I tried going to your site. Both failed.

    Isenlord (Banned) - Tuesday August 14, 2007 - 8:13

    it doesnt matter about unbalancing bfme 1 it was already as unbalanced as it could get!

    Bart (Administrator) - Friday June 22, 2007 - 2:05

    It doesn't matter if the new units don't make the evil factions stronger, just cooler

    CyberGremlin - Thursday June 21, 2007 - 23:15

    Very well done but it unbalance the game. Providing additional heroes and powers to evil fractions and leaving good ones untouchded isn't a very good idea. Anyway, i'm greatful for another nice mod! Can't wait "King of the West" release!

    babyd (Banned) - Friday June 8, 2007 - 2:13

    hey gothmogtheorc do u play lotr bfme 1?? online?

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