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Eowyn Disguise/Camouflage (Scripts)

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2, Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

Avatar of Sulherokhh


Category: Code
Level: Expert
Created: Sunday May 20, 2007 - 3:21
Updated: Friday October 5, 2007 - 6:00
Views: 6212
Summary: How to make Eowyn's Disguise unique and useful, finally!


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13 votes

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Are you as tired as me of Eowyn's 'Disguise' ability?

Following this tutorial you should be able to finally not only make 'Disguise' really cool and useful, also you will learn how to use the entries of the files 'scriptevents.xml' and 'scripts.lua' if you didn't already. It will require some knowledge of editing object code and, if you want to add an additional model for having Eowyn disguised on foot, knowledge of modifying/adding models and animations.

What it does:
  • No automatic mount when disguising (that one was easy).
  • Disguise also on foot (adds another 33% to her animations code. I borrowed the peasant woman for this.)
  • Disguise now makes her invisible when among either Rohirrim or Peasants. Both, Disguise and the vicinity are conditional for this to work. I wanted this to work like with the elves or rangers, but the invisibility behaviour just didn't know any other condition than 'trees'.
  • Like camouflage, this 'invisibility' is passive. It still needs to be activated, but after that only SMITE and SHIELD_MAIDEN will cancel her disguise. And of course, if you get close enough to her you will be able to see her.

Overview of the steps
  • Slight modification of SpecialDisguiseUpdate, addition of the InvisibilityUpdate.
  • Additional AttributeModifierAuraUpdate for Peasants and Rohirrim.
  • Adding a couple of new 'ModelConditionEvent' entries and a new EowynFunction in 'scriptevents.xml'. Defining the consequences of triggering the new functions in 'scripts.lua'.
  • (Optional)Adding a new model for her when disguised and on foot. That's a whole bunch of new animation code and takes a keen eye to have all those in the right order and with the right modified conditions.

So, if you are ready, go to pages 2 to 4 for the cool stuff. After that go to page 5 if you want to add the new/old model, but it's not a necessity. ('page 5 for the new model is not updated yet!')

PS: Feel free to implement this in your Mod. Every mod should have something as cool as this. But please give credit.

P.P.S. I wasn't sure if this would be rating 2 or 3. I went for three after looking thorugh the scripts-part. But you tell me what it should be rated. :P


PhilFor hinting at the 'scriptevents.xml'


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Mouth of Sauron - Thursday January 14, 2010 - 5:49

Thank you, this is most useful generally ; about Eowyn however... I never understood this ability and I cannot see for what should it be used - she was not hiding before the ennemy, she was hiding before Theoden, wasn't she...



Thank you, this is most useful generally ; about Eowyn however... I never understood this ability and I cannot see for what should it be used - she was not hiding before the ennemy, she was hiding before Theoden, wasn't she...


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