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Advanced Debugging

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth BFME, Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2, Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

Avatar of ched


Category: Code
Level: Expert
Created: Monday June 11, 2007 - 15:25
Updated: Sunday June 17, 2007 - 13:29
Views: 6119
Summary: Debug these errors that the engine does not report


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6 votes

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Let's start by setting up the environment. First, you will need the tools listed below.

Install WinMerge first. It is an invaluably useful tool that allows a thorough comparison of two files, folders, and the actual contents of the folders. Additionally to being free, WinMerge is extremely powerful, and may even browse through the content of archives, should you have 7zip installed (more information available on their website).
Let's breakdown the interface together:

User image

1. Click the "New" button to start the wizard and easily go through a file/folder comparison. I'll let you discover the rest of the tools, as they can be useful.
2. These 2 bars indicate the differences between the documents. An orange bar means that there is a difference between the two, while a gray bar indicates that there is a difference with spaces. Note that you may use this to go at a specific point in the documents.
3. The interesting part... This is of course the actual documents displayed side by side, with the differences being coloured. Note that the documents are synchronised to scroll together.
4. A useful bit to note once again. This line will display the actual number of differences between the two documents.

That should be all that you need to know about WinMerge. Close the program for now, as we won't be using it straight away.

Now to install Process Monitor. This tool allows to list every single file accessed during a period you want to study. Unfortunately, there are always a thousand processes running on Windows XP (even more on Windows Vista).
Here's a little breakdown of the interface for you:

User image

1. Click the "File > Capture Events" button to start registering the actual 'events', these being any file/disk/registry access.
2. This funnel icon will popup a very interesting menu, detailed in 3., that will enable you to filter out the events displayed.
3. On to the filtering. Of course, finding the bits that the game or Worldbuilder accesses would be a nightmare with all the events going on. Therefore, one will often filter out the results using the following arugments:
"Process Name=game.dat THEN include", "Process Name=worldbuilder.exe THEN include" and "Path=<yourpath> THEN include", <yourpath> being either the BfME install directory or the BfME AppData directory if you are running the game using a -mod"
4. This will display all the events, and their actual details. Focus on the process name and the Path, as you shouldn't be able to make much sense out of the rest.

Links / Downloads

Load Sequence for WB - Process Monitor Log1111June 17, 2007 - 13:29
Known game.dat errors1444June 14, 2007 - 14:10
Process Monitor1470June 11, 2007 - 15:27
WinMerge1303June 11, 2007 - 15:27


Display order: Newest first

halbarad - Saturday August 11, 2007 - 8:09

wise words indeed,

though it may be worth mentioning that sometimes the best (or only) way of debugging is to brute-force it: to slowly change back all the last things you edited until the game works again, not nice but sometimes necessary (is currently having to do it)

Sulherokhh (Team Chamber Member) - Thursday August 9, 2007 - 3:34

Heroes. All of you. :D
Thank you for writing it down.

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