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Adding Morthond Bowmen into a mod

Avatar of robnkarla


Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Monday July 2, 2007 - 11:35
Updated: Saturday June 27, 2009 - 18:26
Views: 18405
Summary: Guide from start to finish on creating a mod that adds a single unit into the game


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File/mod Organization:

Now you're probably wondering why I'd spend time on this subject. For those who've moded before you probably have your own style which fits you better than anything I could ever say/offer. But for those who have not modded before I thought I'd walk through this part. I see too many mods out there that are just modified ini.big and other files that it always scares me. For a wide audience, many are too daunted to even touch EA's files.

Think of this as tips/hints portion and skim down to where we actually create the folders if you wish.

So here's how I approached the whole thing and I've already walked you through it partially:

1) On one of my hard drives I've created a lotr folder. For each mod or version of the game that I'm interested in I've created a folder. (BFME, BFME2, BFME2-1.06 RotWK, RotWK2.01, etc.) I then I have the RJ-RotWK and others folder.

2) I've basically gone through all of the relevant .big files and extracted everything to the appropriate folder. (Textures, ini, maps, etc.) Since they all use the same basic file structure it allows easy use to jump around to the different versions/mods, just change the one main folder name in the navigation bar.

3) For the models/textures - I created a separate folder called w3d viewer in the main directory. I then did the same and created a subfolder for each game. I then copied all of the art/w3d files to that game's folder removing all the subfolders. (not difficult, just use a *.* search and copy/paste) Why do this? Easy navigation and use of the w3d viewer. You can open any model and view it without having to worry about anything to view the skeleton/textures/etc.

4) Then depending on the mod I want to create, I just copy the files I will start with into my new mod's folder and begin working. (For those who are serious modders, make sure you check out 2playgames -mod command article as well as the pre-built files for the -mod command. The biggest downfall of the -mod command is the inability to load the macros from the gamedata.ini file, and this is the perfect workaround)

************ End of Helpful Hints ***************

All right, now to get to the files that we will need:

1) Create the following folders as we will be using each one:
- \data\
- \data\ini
- \data\ini\campaigns
- \data\ini\campaigns\common
- \data\ini\default
- \data\ini\mappedimages
- \data\ini\mappedimages\aptimages
- \data\ini\object
- \data\ini\object\goodfaction\
- \data\ini\object\goodfaction\hordes
- \data\ini\object\goodfaction\hordes\southernfiefdom
- \data\ini\object\goodfaction\units\men

1) From either the lastest patch's language .big file or the original .big for the language copy the lotr.str file and place it in your \data\ folder.

2) Copy the following files into your \data\ini folder from the set of ini's you wish to mod:

3) Copy into the \data\ini\campaigns\common\ folder.

4) Copy the skirmishaidata.ini file into the \data\ini\default\ folder

5) Copy the menhordes.ini file into the \data\ini\object\goodfaction\hordes\southernfiefdom\ folder.

6) Copy the gondorranger.ini file and the gondorbanner.ini file into the \data\ini\object\goodfaction\unit\men\ folder

Now we have all the files that we are going to use for the mod. All we have to do is edit them.

Next Page - Creating the MorthlondBowman Object

Links / Downloads

Sample Finished Mod2933July 2, 2007 - 21:22
Morthond Bowman model & Texture5492July 2, 2007 - 11:36


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modboy451 - Friday December 3, 2010 - 13:04

you could be a little for clear on where to place the .tga and.w3d files(maybe add spme space inbetween lines) otherwise It was a great tutorial!

im having trouble like kingeragon007 was,
model not appearing!

BigBrainiac - Monday October 25, 2010 - 16:27

This is a good, well written article.

Following this extremely slowly and not just copying what it says (the first time) helps a great deal.

If your unit doesn't appear, you are probably doing something wrong in the asset.dat (like not putting the texture or model in it).

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Monday September 6, 2010 - 18:53

Some of the material such as the AI and WOTR mode will not work for BfME1. Most of the general information though should be applicable to BfME1 modders.

Souske22 - Monday September 6, 2010 - 17:58

Ok rather stupid question buuut I was wondering would this Tutorial also work for BFME1 to replace models? Asking so I dont kinda waste time reading this and following the steps to replace regular gondor soldiers with Numenorian Models.


whao well first off disregard the replace part, small typo on my end so I dont get posts saying I'm asking the wrong question, second sorry for the 5 times repost my browser had a refresh spaz

acidRain - Wednesday June 23, 2010 - 7:33

Hmm...well, I followed all the instructions - to the letter - and my model's still invisible. If it helps, I attempted xxxMr. Xxxx's Aragorn bow/sword model. I'm no novice to coding, but modeling and skinning absolutely baffles me.

{AE}Manveru - Tuesday September 1, 2009 - 12:08

@Kingeragon007, did you compile your asset.dat properly? And add it into the .big file?

@Centurion, that's normal. Happens to me every time I run assetcachebuilder. The program should still work anyway. Just ignore it unless it's not creating your asset.dat.

*Kingeragon007* - Saturday August 9, 2008 - 20:17

hey im new around here,
i just copied your finsihed sample mod and i added the Pelargir Spearmen too it. I did everything the same way but changed it to be the Pelargir Spearmen but when i play ROTWK the spearmen are invisable. and i put the .w3d files and the .tga in the asset file. Can someone please tell me what i did wrong or how to fix this.

Tar-Palantir - Tuesday May 6, 2008 - 18:36

@ lycan, Robnkarla's using RoTWK, you're probably using BFME I or BFME II so the locomotors have diferent names, I suggest you check some other file to see what they're called.

Centurion - Monday March 24, 2008 - 22:46

I keep getting this message:
! flat add
You are using an older version of the DBGHELP.DLL library.
Please update to the newest available version in order to
get reliable stack and symbol information.

Hint: The DLL got loaded as:

How can i fix this?

lycan - Monday October 1, 2007 - 12:45

i did everything,
when i loaded up BFME2 it said

error Foot Speed _MED error thing wtf why is it like this

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