The 3rd Age

Age of the Firstborn - The Rebirth

Age of the Firstborn - The Rebirth

Continues on Elrond99's Age of the Firstborn mod by turning time back to around TA2000.

Button for The 3rd AgeButton for The Dwarf HoldsButton for The Elven AllianceButton for Helm's Deep Last HopeButton for GothmogtheOrcButton for BFME+Button for The Four AgesButton for HDR HeadquartersButton for Middle Earth CenterButton for Project Perfect Mod

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Turin's more ability system!

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Turin Turumbar

Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Sunday July 8, 2007 - 9:16
Updated: Sunday July 8, 2007 - 10:10
Views: 10336
Summary: You want more abilitys than 6 for your hero in the palantir? Read here!


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14 votes

I think that every Modder wanted to give a hero more then the 5 Palantir Abilitys.
I have found a method, how you can give your hero more then 5 abilitys!
I call it Commandsetswitching.
Its working with new ModelConditionStates and some Behaviors.
Now i am going to tell you how it works on Elrond:

At first you had to add this to your Elrond:

ModelConditionState = WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_1
Model = RUElrond_SKN

ModelConditionState = WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_2
Model = RUElrond_SKN

You need this ModelConditionStates to switch the Commandsets.

Now the new Behaviors, add this:

Behavior = MonitorConditionUpdate ModuleTag_CommandSetNew
ModelConditionFlags = WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_1
ModelConditionCommandSet = Elrond2CommandSet

Behavior = MonitorConditionUpdate ModuleTag_CommandSetOld
ModelConditionFlags = WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_2
ModelConditionCommandSet = ElrondCommandSet

Now are we going to the CommandSet.ini
We had to split the old Commandset, i had split it so:

CommandSet ElrondCommandSet
1 = Command_ToggleStance
2 = Command_SpecialAbilityElrondElvenGrace
3 = Command_ElrondFakeLeadership
4 = Command_SpecialAbilityElrondFarsight
5 = Command_SpecialPowerSpawnWhirlwind
6 = Command_CommandsetOld
12 = Command_CaptureBuilding
13 = Command_AttackMove
14 = Command_Stop
16 = Command_SetStanceBattle
17 = Command_SetStanceAggressive
18 = Command_SetStanceHoldGround
CommandSet Elrond2CommandSet
1 = Command_ToggleStance
2 = Command_SpecialAbilityElrondRestoration
3 = Command_CommandsetOld
12 = Command_CaptureBuilding
13 = Command_AttackMove
14 = Command_Stop
16 = Command_SetStanceBattle
17 = Command_SetStanceAggressive
18 = Command_SetStanceHoldGround

Now the Commandbutton.ini:

CommandButton Command_CommandsetOld
FlagsUsedForToggle = WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_2
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:OldCommandset
ButtonImage = UCCommon_BackArrow
ButtonBorderType = ACTION
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipOldCommandset
InPalantir = Yes

CommandButton Command_CommandsetNew
FlagsUsedForToggle = WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_1
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:NewCommandset
ButtonImage = UCCommon_BackArrow
ButtonBorderType = ACTION
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipNewCommandset
InPalantir = Yes

That was it! Now you can add more Abilitys to the Elrond2CommandSet.
With Heroes, who have already a WEAPONSET_TOGGLE or a mount is it a little bit complicated.
I am going to write a tutorial for that later.

Hope that helped, Turin


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clank234 - Sunday December 5, 2010 - 6:56

this is a good tutorial but if i make 2 heroes, they will both share the same commandset, so it is best to rename the 'command set old' into 'elrond commandset2'
otherwise it is brilliant, it helped me with my builder.

CLANK234 :) ;)

modboy451 - Friday November 12, 2010 - 18:10

GREAT ARTICLE! 4.5/5 (but since i can't do that ill do 5)

Maethor - Thursday August 13, 2009 - 11:38

Um, good thing, but you need no second state. The command "FlagsUsedForToggle" deletes the state that was given when you click the button again.

Sulherokhh (Team Chamber Member) - Wednesday January 7, 2009 - 11:09

Doing this with UPGRADES (and lua) has the advantage of not touching the WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_1 flag, so your hero is still free to use sword/bow combos.
One more thing.
Both CommandSets should have ALL the CommandButtons, just in a different order. Only the first 6 will show, the rest stays invisible. That way you can still use the ShortCuts, even if the button is invisible. Plus the AI will not understand the need to toggle to access a power. It needs all powers accessible at once and a complete CommandSet will take care of it.

Lurtzy - Sunday April 20, 2008 - 18:37

Thanks Turin, this is AWESOME!

ILUTAVAR - Sunday February 17, 2008 - 12:23

what a f*ck? more than 5 abylities AMAZING!

landus - Wednesday November 7, 2007 - 21:38

can u tell me were exactly in elronds file i need it


also how can i do this on a cah

Turin Turumbar - Sunday July 15, 2007 - 6:22

i wanted to make it with USER_ at first, but that doesnt work, there was an gamecrash

Elrond99 - Saturday July 14, 2007 - 5:52

If a Hero has already Weaponset Toggle or something like that, I would use ModelConditionState = USER_(Number), like Aragorns Blademaster Abitility does, not every Number may be used, but I think with 2,3,4 and 5 it should work

ched (Team Chamber Member) - Sunday July 8, 2007 - 14:45

thanks for sharing your knowledge.

I've been wanting to do this for a long time with BfME1, but it looks like I'm stuck with CommandSet upgrades :(

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