The 3rd Age

Age of the Firstborn

Age of the Firstborn

A mod that adds two new factions, new CaH-Class, new maps and more

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Age Of Men

Avatar of LordIstari


Category: Dead Mods
Created: Tuesday July 24, 2007 - 6:38
Updated: Saturday December 31, 2011 - 21:33
Views: 17000
Summary: Age of Men will be some like an unofficial expansion set for BFME2:ROTWK


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25 votes

First of all, what's Age of Men, what it does and what differs it from many other BFME 1-2. Well, Age of Men is a mod for the upcoming Battle-for Middle-earth: the Rise of the Witch-King. It's not a Total Conversion, but in my mind is the today's biggest non-TC BFME-mods.

- Middle earth you’ve never Seen!!! - new sky Mod: you can toggle camera view. and see the sky! You can see Change time of day and weather. New models, skins and animation for old units.
- New Realism Mod: Buildings attacking only by Siege (don’t worry about balance i create more siege machines and i change more in gamedata.ini ) , Fellbest can moving on earth, And Have Falling Death animation(thanks to SEE mod), The heroes have more armor and damage.
— The naval warfare will be deeped by the special Naval-mode (available on special sea maps), where all races will have their unique ships, the Gollum will be swimming in water in his boat and the capture of the One Ring gives you the unique for each race Ring Ship.
— 3 totally new factions: Rohan, Harad and Northern Kingdom. Each with its own tactics, weaknesses and original gameplay-style.
— Each race will get its own Ring Hero. For example — Harad will get the Mumak King, Rohan — the Undead King, Goblins — the Spider Momma and etc.
— 3 BFME-1 featured campaigns: the Good, the Evil and RPG-styled journey of the Fellowship of the Ring. You?ll see and command once more the battle for Minast-Tirith, Helm's Deep, Black Gates and many others in new form — the maps will be more total, the armies — more tremendous and the slaughter — like an ocean of enemy?s blood =)
— New Create-a-Heros: Warg Chieftain, Goblin Shaman, Beorn and some others.
— A lot of units for ALL races (of course). All them will be added according to balance and the kind of the race (let?s try not to spoil the game =)) )
— New maps, some of them totally unseen before — isles in the ocean, underground caves…
— New gameplay style: select tech way of your race (in ground mode): to do more improved infantry or beast (Mordor), sorcery or technical way (Isengard), close or ranged combat (Elves) and so on. The tech way is selected at citadel and affects wich units and upgrades you can use during all the rest of the game.

Links / Downloads

Age Of Men Site8642July 24, 2007 - 6:41


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elendilofgondor - Sunday November 25, 2007 - 14:24

sound cool.when will the public beta be out? :)


sound cool.when will the public beta be out? :)

persons - Friday November 23, 2007 - 9:03

When would you say the public beta will be out?

Nazgûl (Team Chamber Member) - Sunday August 12, 2007 - 8:34

I agree with Ched, the logo is not bad, but it's a little hard to read :) Maybe some color changes would do it. LI, if you want I can help you make a logo for Age of Men? Just call me on MSN or PM and I'll fix something for you =) Other than that I think AoM is a solid project and you are a very promising modder with great modeling skills. And you are FAST my friend, hehe. Keep up the good work LI. CU around :)

LordIstari - Thursday July 26, 2007 - 1:16


ched (Team Chamber Member) - Wednesday July 25, 2007 - 11:25

that thumbnail image is quite good, but it's impossible to read the mod title at all. Perhaps you should imitate the Golden writings ?

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