The 3rd Age

The Elven Alliance: Community Edition

The Elven Alliance: Community Edition

This mod project attempts to complete and finish The Elven Alliance mod in its entirety.

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Rohirrim Archer Turret Horde

Avatar of Rob38


Category: Code
Level: Expert
Created: Saturday January 19, 2008 - 22:07
Updated: Sunday March 20, 2011 - 13:22
Views: 10050
Summary: Getting Rohirrim Archers to fire while moving


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8. On the previous page, I made reference to RohirrimArcherHDFunctions in the LUA. Let me show you what that is all about. Open up scriptevents.xml and near the beginning of the file, you should see a list of ModelConditionEvent. You need to have two of these like this:

<ModelConditionEvent Name="Moving">

<ModelConditionEvent Name="NotMoving">

Note that Moving should already be created by EA so you just need to make a new one for NotMoving.

9. Still in scriptevents.xml, create a new EventList for RohirrimArcherHDFunctions.

<EventList Name="RohirrimArcherHDFunctions" Inherit="CavalryFunctions">
        <EventHandler EventName="Moving"             ScriptFunctionName="OnMoving"             DebugSingleStep="false"/>
        <EventHandler EventName="NotMoving"             ScriptFunctionName="OnNotMoving"             DebugSingleStep="false"/>

10. Now open up scripts.lua and create two new functions with the same names as in your unit EventList.

function OnMoving(self)
    ObjectRemoveUpgrade( self, "Upgrade_NotMovingBow" )
    ObjectGrantUpgrade( self, "Upgrade_MovingBow" )

function OnNotMoving(self)
    ObjectRemoveUpgrade( self, "Upgrade_MovingBow" )
    ObjectGrantUpgrade( self, "Upgrade_NotMovingBow" )

Note: For clarity reasons, I created two new upgrades. They are just OBJECT upgrades with nothing else to them so if you want, you can just use existing upgrades by EA ;)

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Tank turrets in BFME 2 Tutorial2227January 19, 2008 - 22:23


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Carthaen - Wednesday April 12, 2017 - 12:49

I don't understand why it's not working... I did all like it was in tutorial. I tried to do it for Rivendell Archers in ROTWK... And it was no results...

drogoth232 - Tuesday May 5, 2009 - 14:05

Where do I find scriptevents.xml?

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Friday May 23, 2008 - 16:04

It depends on how advanced you want your setup to be. The scripts allows for two different weaponsets to be created, one for moving and one for not moving. This is so that I can change attack power, accuracy, etc. You can try to set it up without the scripts, but I'm not sure how well it will work.

galentv - Friday May 23, 2008 - 11:25

is the scriptevents.xml and scripts.lua very necessary? Please say no, because i dont know how to get them...

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Wednesday January 23, 2008 - 19:41

Well, first, I don't think there are animations for Theoden swinging his sword on both sides of the horse. Second, you would have two melee attacks being performed at the same time so I don't really know how well that would work. But I think it would be possible, although it may look a little bit strange ;)

Dwar the wolf - Tuesday January 22, 2008 - 4:04

can this done with Theoden while charging he attacks with his sword only (no bow) also how to make him use both hands in attack when mounting to left and right ..( like in movie in Helmsdeep)

Sulherokhh (Team Chamber Member) - Sunday January 20, 2008 - 8:27

Yeehaa! Different WeaponSets! Veeery neat! :)

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