The 3rd Age

Build anywhere mod (buildmod)

Build anywhere mod (buildmod)

Let's you build anywhere in skirmish

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The Four Ages mod

Avatar of morgoth946


Category: Archived Mods
Created: Sunday March 25, 2007 - 7:03
Updated: Sunday October 23, 2011 - 20:27
Views: 37944
Summary: Fight for the freedom of Beleriand with the eldar and the elves or enslave them with Angband.


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33 votes

The Four Ages is a mod for the Battle for Middle Earth 2 based on the world of the Silmarilion of J.R.R. Tolkien, where you'll be able to revive the best stories of the book. Since the slaughter of Alqualonde to the fall of Gondolin.

The Factions will be the Elves, the Men, the Dwarves and Angband. Every faction will have minifactions. So you can create separate camps like Tol in Gauroth or the Easterling men of Angband and others minifactions if you're playing with the other factions.

The battles will be much more bigger than now, not only because of higher cp, you'll have a lot of units to build since werewolves, Balrogs, Feanor, Fingolfin, Finrod, Vampires, dragons...
Also, units will be able to go up the walls, just like in BFME 1.
Battles will be more spectacular since you'll be able to incline the camera and see the map just like an action game.

Also, we'll include a very big campaign, where you'll be able to attack or defend Gondolin, destroy Angband, or kill the elves of Alqualonde.

Links / Downloads

First beta version13083April 24, 2007 - 13:39
Website -> www.lgda.the3rdage.net10715March 25, 2007 - 7:04


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KaizerKai - Wednesday March 28, 2007 - 11:00

looks good

Mathijs (Division Leader) - Sunday March 25, 2007 - 16:08

Awesome artwork, too bad we haven't seen anything new lately.


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