The 3rd Age

The Dwarf Holds

The Dwarf Holds

This mod adds a fully functional Dwarf faction to the game. Based on the now-defunct RA mod.

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Fixing the Broken Weather Powers

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Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Wednesday May 20, 2009 - 15:46
Updated: Wednesday February 3, 2010 - 19:14
Views: 4374
Summary: Make weather powers affect units built after the spell is cast


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And here are the actual caster objects, which fire ConstantWeather weapons again and again until killed. Add them to system.ini:

;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;,;; added for 2.02e
Object DarknessCaster

    Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_Draw
            Model = none
    EvaEnemyObjectSightedEvent = None ; Not a real unit

    ; ***DESIGN parameters ***
    EditorSorting = SYSTEM

    ; *** ENGINEERING Parameters ***
    Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_02 ; ImmortalBody ModuleTag_02
        MaxHealth = 1
        InitialHealth = 1

    Behavior = DeletionUpdate ModuleTag_03 ; Not LifetimeUpdate, since I can't die. This will DestroyObject me.

    Behavior = FireWeaponUpdate ModuleTag_WeaponFiringApplyAttributeModifier
            WeaponName = ConstantDarkness
            Offset = X:0 Y:0 Z:0
            FireDelay = 0
            OneShot = No


;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;,;; added for 2.02e
Object FreezingRainCaster

    Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_Draw
            Model = none
    EvaEnemyObjectSightedEvent = None ; Not a real unit

    ; ***DESIGN parameters ***
    EditorSorting = SYSTEM

    ; *** ENGINEERING Parameters ***
    Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_02 ; ImmortalBody ModuleTag_02
        MaxHealth = 1
        InitialHealth = 1

    Behavior = DeletionUpdate ModuleTag_03 ; Not LifetimeUpdate, since I can't die. This will DestroyObject me.

    Behavior = FireWeaponUpdate ModuleTag_WeaponFiringApplyAttributeModifier
            WeaponName = ConstantFreezingRain
            Offset = X:0 Y:0 Z:0
            FireDelay = 0
            OneShot = No


The constant weather weapons apply the attributemodifiers to all affected units:

;;,;; adding ConstantDarkness for 2.02e, using this to allow the Darkness attributemodifier to fire again and again, instead of only affecting the units on the field when it first takes effect
Weapon ConstantDarkness ;;,;;
    RadiusDamageAffects = ALLIES
    LeechRangeWeapon = Yes
    AttackRange = 999999
    MeleeWeapon = No
    DelayBetweenShots = 2000
    PreAttackDelay = 0
    PreAttackType = PER_SHOT
    FiringDuration = 0

        AttributeModifier = SpellBookDarkness
        Radius             = 999999
        AffectHordeMembers      = Yes
        DamageFXType = SWORD_SLASH

;;,;; 2.02e fix for Freezing Rain, same deal as Darkness
Weapon ConstantFreezingRain ;;,;;
    RadiusDamageAffects = ENEMIES
    LeechRangeWeapon = Yes
    AttackRange = 999999
    MeleeWeapon = No
    DelayBetweenShots = 2000
    PreAttackDelay = 0
    PreAttackType = PER_SHOT
    FiringDuration = 0

        AttributeModifier = GenericPassiveDebuff
        AntiCategories        = LEADERSHIP
        Radius             = 999999
        AffectHordeMembers      = Yes
        DamageFXType = SWORD_SLASH

        LogicType        = DECREASE_BURN_RATE
        Radius            = 999999
        Damage            = 100

The FireLogicNugget in ConstantFreezingRain is necessary because our OCLSpecialPower behavior for FreezingRain can no longer decrease burn rates on its own.

UPDATE: Please be aware that you'll want to edit the SpecialObjectFilter line to suit your mod. Neither of these powers used GENERIC_BUFF_RECIPIENT_OBJECT_FILTER originally; Darkness was able to affect many more units (like Trolls) and Freezing Rain was able to debuff more (in BFME II, where it had a debuff). Also, you may desire a different anticategory line on Freezing Rain (BFME II's Freezing Rain is supposed to cancel Buffs and Spells) or to use a different modifier altogether.

Next, we have to make the game's two other weather powers, Cloud Break and Sunflare, cancel the attributemodifiers. In object\goodfaction\goodfactionprops.ini, search for CloudBreakSunbeam and give it the appropriate FireWeaponUpdate:

Object CloudBreakSunbeam

; *** ART Parameters ***
Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_Draw
Model = None
ParticleSysBone = None CloudBreakRays
; IdleAnimationState
; EnteringStateFX = FX_CloudBreakRays
; End

; this is how you control birth fade
;    BirthFadeTime = 1000 ; msec
;    BirthFadeAdditive = Yes


; *** AUDIO Parameters ***

; ***DESIGN parameters ***
EditorSorting = SYSTEM
Armor = NoArmor
VisionRange = 0.0

; *** ENGINEERING Parameters ***

Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_01
MaxHealth = 99999.0

    ; the following two modules control death fade -- uses alpha for now
    Behavior = LifetimeUpdate ModuleTag_02
        MinLifetime = 5000 ; min lifetime in msec
        MaxLifetime = 7000 ; max lifetime in msec

    Behavior = FireWeaponUpdate ModuleTag_KillAllCurrentWeather ;;,;; added for 2.02e
            WeaponName    = WeatherKiller
            Offset = X:0 Y:0 Z:0
            FireDelay    = 0
            OneShot        = Yes

    Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_03    
        AILuaEventsList                = SunbeamFunctions

Geometry = BOX
GeometryMajorRadius = 50.0
GeometryMinorRadius = 50.0
GeometryHeight = 100.0
GeometryIsSmall = No

Do the same for SunflareSunbeam in system.ini:

Object SunflareSunbeam
    ;// *** ART Parameters ***
    Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_Draw
            Model = NONE
            ParticleSysBone        = None SunRays
            ParticleSysBone        = None SunFlareGlow
            ParticleSysBone        = None SunFlareProxy

    ;// *** AUDIO Parameters ***

    ;// ***DESIGN parameters ***
    EditorSorting = SYSTEM
        Armor = NoArmor
    VisionRange = 0.0

    ;// *** ENGINEERING Parameters ***

    Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_01
        MaxHealth = 99999.0

    ;// the following two modules control death fade -- uses alpha for now
    Behavior = LifetimeUpdate ModuleTag_02
        MinLifetime = SPELL_SUNFLARE_DURATION ;// min lifetime in msec
        MaxLifetime = SPELL_SUNFLARE_DURATION ;// max lifetime in msec

    Behavior = FireWeaponUpdate ModuleTag_KillAllCurrentWeather ;;,;; added for 2.02e
            WeaponName    = WeatherKiller
            Offset = X:0 Y:0 Z:0
            FireDelay    = 0
            OneShot        = Yes

    Behavior = FireWeaponUpdate ModuleTag_DamageHandler
            WeaponName    = SunflareWeapon
            FireDelay    = 0
            OneShot        = Yes    ;// Alternative is to fire as often as the reload time of this weapon allows

    Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_03    
        AILuaEventsList                = SunbeamFunctions

    Geometry            = CYLINDER
    GeometryMajorRadius = 50.0
    GeometryMinorRadius = 50.0
    GeometryHeight        = 100.0
    GeometryIsSmall        = No

Finally, we have to edit the attributemodifiers themselves. Be careful here, since 1.06's, 2.01's, and 2.02's stacking systems all work differently, and you'll need to edit these to meet the needs of your own mod.

Originally, the Duration on the attributemodifiers had to be 0 - or forever - as it was controlled by the weather system. Now that the attributemodifiers are not controlled by the weather, they need to be set to a normal value; in 2.02e, 3000. This means that three seconds after the CasterObject dies, units will no longer be affected by the attributemodifier. 2.02e can use its generic debuff attributemodifier to accomplish this with Freezing Rain, but needs a special attributemodifier for Darkness since Darkness needs to carry a special Spell FX:

ModifierList SpellBookDarkness
    Category = SPELL
    Modifier = DAMAGE_MULT 150%    
    Modifier = ARMOR 33% ;;,;; 50%
    Duration = 3000 ;;,;; 0 ; changed for 2.02e because this is no longer applied by the weather - see note in system.ini
    FX         = FX_DarknessFlares ;;,;; FX_InfiniteGenericLeadershipLvl1

For the purposes of your own mod, you'll probably want to keep the original FX, unless you plan on adding a new one. You may also wish to use RainDebuff instead of GenericPassiveDebuff on Freezing Rain; to do this, just edit the AttributeModifier line in the ConstantFreezingRain weapon; be sure to remember to change the Duration line on RainDebuff from 0. Note that if you mod is based on RotWK 2.01, you don't have RainDebuff at all and will have to add it yourself.

Though that was fairly complicated, the results are definitely worth it. Weather powers are much more fun to use when they actually work properly!

Links / Downloads

Unofficial Patch 2.021355May 20, 2009 - 16:57


RyderFound that AttributeModifierNuggets have an AntiCategories line


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Imdrar - Wednesday November 24, 2010 - 4:00

One of the best written tutorials I've read so far. Very helpful.

Prolong - Tuesday July 14, 2009 - 21:11

Does that happen all the time? Sometimes the rain doesn't seem to appear, but I don't think that's related to this fix as I'm sure that happened before and it usually/often doesn't now; certainly I've seen the rain appear multiple times on the current version of 2.02.

Also, I'm going to update the tutorial to indicate that this is issue is probably with the FX not affecting units that actually are affected, given that the BT2DC patch has fixed Freezing Rain in a different way by tweaking the FX.


Also updated a bit on the second page regarding the objectfilters of the attributemodifiers, as 2.02's are different from what they were originally and I had forgotten to mention that I'd changed that in the posted code.


And now I've added a third page showing an alternative way to fix Freezing Rain, which MaDDoX and Rainmaker developed BT2DC. It's a lot easier than my method, that's for sure. Doesn't work for Darkness for whatever reason (not sure why) so my tricks are still good for something though. :D

TroDuS - Monday July 13, 2009 - 6:59

Îf I try to follow this tutorial it works except to the prob that I won´t show any rain during the cast of Freezing Rain.

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Saturday June 27, 2009 - 13:50

Nice job :)

Sulherokhh (Team Chamber Member) - Thursday May 21, 2009 - 7:32

Clear, logical, just the way i like it. :)

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