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Beginner Modelling Tutorial

Avatar of FlameGuard


Category: Graphics
Level: Beginner
Created: Sunday March 25, 2007 - 10:26
Updated: Saturday June 27, 2009 - 19:15
Views: 29565
Summary: Basic Beginner Modelling Tutorial


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In this tutorial we take you through the step of editing a model. You will learn how to open a .w3d model and edit it. We assume that you already have w3d importer set up for this tutorial.

NOTE:All images have a bigger version if you click them they will enlarge.

So then lets start,

First you will need to run renx, Not gmax as this doesnt support the w3d importer.

User image

As you can see we have 4boxes. We only need 1box wich is the Perspective so click in this box. In the right side of renx in the bottom corner you will see a Min & Max Toggle click it. The screen will turn to just that 1persective box.

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You now need to click the shortcut keys you assigned your w3d importer to (Myne being CTRL+K)

User image

Now that w3d importer is open we will need to locate the folder where our models (extracted from W3D.BIG) are stored. For this tutorial I have extracted them to my Desktop

User image

Now that you have found it, open the w3d folder. You will see lots of model_skn and model_skl files, animations and lots of others. These are,

Models = skn
Skeleton = skl

Now we only need to edit the model. We are going to be working with Aragorn in this tutorial. You may work with another if you would like to but I strongly suggest working and following us as we edit Aragorn first. Aragorns model is named guaragorn_skn.

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Links / Downloads

How to Insall & Set up W3D Importer6794March 25, 2007 - 14:59


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radical - Wednesday March 26, 2008 - 17:06

how do access the model files i cannot find them anywhere

WingSephiroth - Saturday December 15, 2007 - 1:05

i have a problem with the cape.
i wanted to change it slightly (make it skinnier) and it looks good.
but when i look at it from the front part of it is not showing, it looks like it has a big gap in it, whereas when i look at it from the front it looks normal.
how would i fix this? thanks so much this is a great tutorial.

mike_ (Team Chamber Member) - Monday November 19, 2007 - 22:09

Hmm, the "convert to editable poly" option isn't showing up.
In fact, the only things that do show up are:
Unfreeze All
Freeze Selection
Unhide All
Hide Unselected
Hide Selection
Wire Parameters

btw, the last section is faded out/unselectable. Any ideas as to what's wrong?

Guess Who - Thursday September 27, 2007 - 21:39

well its better than nothing i guess.

Bart (Administrator) - Wednesday September 26, 2007 - 5:37

The tutorial neglected to put that information in for us. As I see it, the tutorial is incomplete. It doesn't go through how to export the model back to .w3d. Maybe it's a simple task of just saving the file, but as I am new to RenX, I haven't the slightest.

well yes, i suppose it should include a bit on how to put it back, or the importing bit should be split into a seperate tutorial

Guess Who - Monday September 24, 2007 - 0:06

to export click file then export and save as w3d but then you need to bind it when the skin is put on so its a long process

chrisbolling2 - Sunday September 23, 2007 - 21:54

The tutorial neglected to put that information in for us. As I see it, the tutorial is incomplete. It doesn't go through how to export the model back to .w3d. Maybe it's a simple task of just saving the file, but as I am new to RenX, I haven't the slightest.

Bart (Administrator) - Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 5:19

you must also put the model back in the game

Dunadan - Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 3:32

I dont understand, Iv done all as it says, but Aragorn still has his cape. What im doing wrong ???

The Best Guest - Saturday August 11, 2007 - 10:48

Great Tutorial Showed me how to Model.

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