The 3rd Age

BFME II: Deluxe Edition

BFME II: Deluxe Edition

Fixing problems with BFME 2 and giving it more depth.

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Adjusting overall build speeds

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth BFME

Avatar of Gfire


Category: Code
Level: Beginner
Created: Sunday August 2, 2009 - 23:55
Updated: Wednesday August 12, 2009 - 9:08
Views: 4828
Summary: Easily adjust all the buildtimes using one multiplier


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4 votes

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This can be useful for several purposes. It can make testing a lot faster, if you set the build speeds to go quite quickly without having to rebalance afterwards. It could also be useful if all the build times in your mod seem too slow or fast, they can all be adjusted somewhat here.

You could also use this to make something of a mini-mod: if you think the builtimes are too slow or fast in the vanilla game, you can adjust just this value to change it.

This has not been tested for BFME2 or RotWK, but it likely works there. Please give it a try if you'd like, and please tell me the results if you do. :)

I'm assuming you know the basics of getting to the ini files. Before using this turorial, you'll need to know how to extract from the .big file and how to open up the .ini files in a text editor of some kind (preferably one with a find funtion.)

-Page 1: Intruduction
-Page 2: Basic Instructions


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Gfire - Monday August 3, 2009 - 0:08

...Sorry, accidental comment.

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