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Rhun III

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Category: Maps
Created: Wednesday October 12, 2011 - 8:41
Updated: Wednesday October 12, 2011 - 8:45
Views: 8834
Summary: skirmish map 3vs2vs3


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1 vote

this map doesnt require rotwk, but it works also on expansion pack.

-rich content of terrain texture plus tree and animals
-Inn and Outpost for any players
-few lair for fun
-many different way for a strategy game

comment and rating.... thx!

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rhun III3184October 12, 2011 - 8:44


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baions - Sunday December 4, 2011 - 20:32

thx Haldir for your post. When i will have more time i will do sure another map (maybe Rhun IV xD, i dont know, however i dont change this map anymore, because i dislike work again on the same map after a post^^.
I will keep your advices for next map:)

_Haldir_ (Team Chamber Member) - Friday November 25, 2011 - 2:56

Really quite a good map. The texturing is nice, and there's a decent amount of objects and things to make it look realistic. An interesting layout, and lots of room for building and waging battles.

The terrain could perhaps be improved a bit. They're a little bit spiky i think, and the texture tht you've used for the tops of them doesn't really fit in with the rest of the map. Also, the dark brown texture you used for some of the forest parts could use a bit more blending in too. Or even just a different texture that doesn't stand out so much.

Otherwise, a great map. Pretty close to EA standard, and a 5 from me if you were to fix up those few little things.

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