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Easy way to toggle model and mix hordes

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Avatar of kazenokoeki


Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Tuesday March 13, 2012 - 5:43
Updated: Monday March 7, 2022 - 16:39
Views: 8559
Summary: a way to make weapon toggle and other toggles easily


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As the title say, this is a very easy way to toggle units model,it dosen't have to share a skeleton or anything, and its made through the model condition.

First of all, take the main unit, lets say gondor fighter, and the unit you want it to be, for example mordor easterling. Well you have to copy the section called "Draw" and change the module tag:


Draw = W3DHordeModelDraw ModuleTag_Togglemodel;01
    OkToChangeModelColor = Yes
    StaticModelLODMode = Yes
    Model = MUEstrlg_SKN

the unit draw, this is were the model is, now, you don't want to gondor fighter look creppy with a easterling just in the same place, so, give it no model, and add another model condition state, called "WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_1":


Draw = W3DHordeModelDraw ModuleTag_Togglemodel;01
    OkToChangeModelColor = Yes
    StaticModelLODMode = Yes
        Model = None;MUEstrlg_SKN (now it won't be see)
    ModelConditionState WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_1
        Model = MUEstrlg_SKN

By this the easterling model wont be see if the unit is in default model condition, and will be shown when you make it toggle weapon, but again, you dont want doble model, so go to gondor fighter draw and add somthing like...:


Draw = W3DHordeModelDraw ModuleTag_01
    OkToChangeModelColor = Yes    
    StaticModelLODMode = Yes
        Model = GUMAArms_SKN
        Skeleton = GUMAArms_SKL

;---------- THIS ***
    ModelConditionState WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_1
        Model = None

Now, you can add the horde command set a button like "Command_ToggleFaramirWeapon" or anithing and will change your units. Now, do you wander why i use WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_1?
see the next page

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