The 3rd Age

Galadhrim Warriors - Mini Mod

Galadhrim Warriors - Mini Mod

A Mini Mod adding the Galadhrim Warriors to the Elven Faction in ROTWK.

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Easy way to toggle model and mix hordes

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth BFME, Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2, Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

Avatar of kazenokoeki


Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Tuesday March 13, 2012 - 5:43
Updated: Monday March 7, 2022 - 16:39
Views: 8567
Summary: a way to make weapon toggle and other toggles easily


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2 votes

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Well, if you remember BFME I, elven warriors hordes could combo with other elven warrior horde and the front line use swords and the other bows, well, they made it through this code:


Behavior = HordeContain ModuleTag_HordeContain
    RankInfo = RankNumber:1 UnitType:RohanElvenWarrior    Position:X:30 Y:0(.....)GrantedWeaponCondition:WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_1
    RankInfo = RankNumber:2 UnitType:RohanElvenWarrior    Position:X:10 Y:0(.....)RevokedWeaponCondition:WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_1

there it is, with this code you can make mixted hordes, but keep them in formation and not units in any place, like:

User image

Of course, you are using "WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_1", so you can give the front units a diferent weapon, and even make a line of pikemen, a line of fighters and a line of archers with the others "WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_1", 2, 3 and so on, or make units transform into whatever you want, well, thats it, i hope it will be useful for you.

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