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Fudge's Again maps

Download for Battle for Middle-earth BFME

Avatar of Fudge


Category: Maps
Created: Sunday April 14, 2013 - 16:12
Updated: Sunday May 31, 2015 - 11:05
Views: 11847
Summary: Re envisioned versions of BFME's campaign maps


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1 vote

Hello, as the title says these are basically re-done versions of Ea's campaign maps, some are slightly more true to the movies (Fangorn Forest-Again) whilst others are merely there for a laugh (Amon Hen-Again).

There's a selection of photos and more info on each level in the BFME forums.

Please leave a comment giving feedback or ideas and if you are interested in including these in your mod please credit me (although they'd need to be edited to work in a campaign).

Thanks, Fudge.

Edit (07/05/2013) - I've recently discovered a method to stop the Ai using default scripts in multiplayer maps allowing me to convert previously single player maps to Co-Op ones.

Edit (28/7/2013) - I've uploaded a three player co-op version of Fangorn forest although it hasn't been thoroughly tested so if you report bugs I can try and correct them as soon as possible.

Edit (06/10/2103) Right I owe you buggers an apology for the terrible version of the Fangorn Forest-Again Co-Op, I'm uploading a correct version that I fixed recently.

Edit (16/12/2013) I've uploaded Lothlorien Again Singleplayer just in time for Christmas, I hope you have fun playing it and will leave a review. Happy Christmas!

Links / Downloads

Edoras-Again (Skirmish)3566February 24, 2014 - 0:02
Lothlorien-Again3043December 16, 2013 - 23:23
Fangorn Forest-Again (Co-Op)2750October 6, 2013 - 15:12
Amon Hen-Again (Co-Op)2930May 8, 2013 - 15:44
Fangorn Forest-Again2834April 14, 2013 - 16:21
Amon Hen-Again2636April 14, 2013 - 16:20


_Haldir_Basically taught me how to map.
MattTheLegomanTesting Fangorn Forest-Again
LauriVery helpful with various map.ini problems (Fading trees)


Display order: Newest first

Forzain - Tuesday April 15, 2014 - 9:38

Great maps! Specially the Edoras- Again map! I love it, been searching for a good Edoras map for so long, finally found it! ;D

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