The 3rd Age

Galadhrim Warriors - Mini Mod

Galadhrim Warriors - Mini Mod

A Mini Mod adding the Galadhrim Warriors to the Elven Faction in ROTWK.

Button for The 3rd AgeButton for The Dwarf HoldsButton for The Elven AllianceButton for Helm's Deep Last HopeButton for GothmogtheOrcButton for BFME+Button for The Four AgesButton for HDR HeadquartersButton for Middle Earth CenterButton for Project Perfect Mod

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Capture Flags for new Factions

Avatar of Fingulfin


Category: Code
Level: Beginner
Created: Thursday March 29, 2007 - 9:08
Updated: Monday April 9, 2007 - 9:23
Views: 5639
Summary: Giving a new faction it's own capture flag for outposts, inns, etc.


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9 votes

Today, I did a little research into the capture flag. After examining all the codes in relation to it that I could, I found a way to add a flag for new factions! Don't believe me?
Ta-da! I am almost sure no one else has done this...

Want to know how to do it for your mod?
EXPLANATION: It is actually really simple. While browsing through captureflag.ini, I saw this:
    Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_03
        AILuaEventsList        = CaptureFlagFunctions

Well, I had seen this a million times before, so I didn't think anything of it the first ka-jillion times I saw it. However, that was because I had no clue what on earth the LUA did. After seeing 2Play's and TDP's orcs, and hearing how they did it, I thought maybe I should check it out. Well, in scripts.lua, I saw this code:
function OnCaptureFlagGenericEvent(self,data)
    local str = ObjectCapturingObjectPlayerSide(self)
    if str == nil then
        str = ObjectPlayerSide(self)

    ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_ISENGARD", true)
    ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_MORDOR", true)
    ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_WILD", true)
    ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_MEN", true)
    ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_ELVES", true)
    ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_DWARVES", true)
    ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_ANGMAR", true)

    if str == "Isengard" then
        ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_ISENGARD", false)
    elseif str == "Mordor" then
        ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_MORDOR", false)
    elseif str == "Men" then
        ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_MEN", false)
    elseif str == "Dwarves" then
        ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_DWARVES", false)
    elseif str == "Elves" then
        ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_ELVES", false)
    elseif str == "Wild" then
        ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_WILD", false)
    elseif str == "Angmar" then
        ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_ANGMAR", false)
        ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_NEUTRAL", false)

This looked very interesting, so I couldn't help but extract the Capture flags W3Ds and open em up in RenX. Here is what I saw: The Flag Pole, and the "Neutral Flag", then all the Flags. I Imported the SKL file, and saw how the bones were arranged. Thats when it hit me that I could make one for Rohan. I quickly made Rohan a flag, stuck a texture onto it, and bound. (When I bound I just bound all the flags to one of the bones; I didn't want to sit there all night binding them to their individual bones. No Negative effects have turned up because of this.). I added it into my .BIG, and made an asset. Then, I edited my LUA to look like this:
function OnCaptureFlagGenericEvent(self,data)
    local str = ObjectCapturingObjectPlayerSide(self)
    if str == nil then
        str = ObjectPlayerSide(self)

    ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_ISENGARD", true)
    ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_MORDOR", true)
    ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_WILD", true)
    ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_MEN", true)
    ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_ELVES", true)
    ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_DWARVES", true)
    ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_ANGMAR", true)
    ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_ROHAN", true)

    if str == "Isengard" then
        ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_ISENGARD", false)
    elseif str == "Mordor" then
        ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_MORDOR", false)
    elseif str == "Men" then
        ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_MEN", false)
    elseif str == "Dwarves" then
        ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_DWARVES", false)
    elseif str == "Elves" then
        ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_ELVES", false)
    elseif str == "Wild" then
        ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_WILD", false)
    elseif str == "Rohan" then
        ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_ROHAN", false)
    elseif str == "Angmar" then
        ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_ANGMAR", false)
        ObjectHideSubObjectPermanently( self, "FLAG_NEUTRAL", false)

Put it in-game, and tested. Viola! A capture flag for a new faction!


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OmegaDelta007 - Sunday October 10, 2010 - 7:32

Can't you just use this code instead of editing W3d files:

[Texture = Old texture 0 New texture 0
Required upgrade = FactionName_upgrade]


[Random Texture = Old texture 0 New texture 0
Required upgrade = FactionName_upgrade]

Can you tell me if this code or another code I could use, rather then editing W3d files.

m@tt (Team Chamber Member) - Wednesday May 28, 2008 - 15:30


lycan - Wednesday May 28, 2008 - 9:22

grrr how do i open scripts.lua

Mathijs (Division Leader) - Saturday June 2, 2007 - 12:20

Yay, gonna make a bunch of new flags for Visions now. :)

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