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Scratch Modeling a Human

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth BFME

Avatar of Nertea


Category: Graphics
Level: Expert
Created: Tuesday June 12, 2007 - 11:31
Updated: Friday June 29, 2007 - 8:50
Views: 19236
Summary: Pictoral description of one method for modeling a low poly human


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This tutorial presents a number of pictures showing the flow of work that I use to model humans and humanoids.

I open up 3ds Max and a new file. I create a basic 8-sided cylinder in the viewport, because that's roughly the shape of the human body, however, you could also start with a box, or a 6-sided cylinder if you really wanted to keep things low poly.

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Half of the cylinder is deleted, because the human body is symmetrical and I only want to model half of it.

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Then using the mirror tool, I copy the cylinder. Using Instance makes sure any changes to the left cylinder will immediately show up on the right cylinder.

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Next, I slice in some new segments, which I will use to define the chest

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These segments are then shaped into a rough chest shape by vertex manipulation.

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Next I cut another row of vertices at the top of the body, then move them into position to further define the body.

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Next I extrude the bottom of the chest several times to form the armoured skirt, in this case it will be chainmail. It is then shaped.

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Here I cut a new edge down the side of the body with the cut tool. The purpose of this edge is rounding - this stage is irrelevant if polygon conservation is important.

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Then I cut another line between the two edge edges. The point of this line is to create the arm extrusion point in the correct shape. You'll notice the two polygons that I want to use on the image - if taken together they have a total of 6 vertices, which will make for a 6 -sided arm, which is a good number.

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Now I extrude the arm polys. For BFME, it can be important to check the arm length vs. the skeleton you want to use, as some BFME models have weird proportions. That will ensure the animations look decent

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Now the arms are shaped into hexagons using the extra vertices.

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Using again the cut tool, I then place the important bendy bits of the arm, defining the forearm and the shoulder.

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These are then shaped in the appropriate way, with more cuts to define the muscle or sleeve.

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This is a simple cutting of a neck hole. I attacked it with the cut tool and then deleted the inner polys. If you wanted a neck, you could instead extrude the cut polys.

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If you want a collar, extrude the neck edges.

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Bart (Administrator) - Sunday June 24, 2007 - 13:37

"Too bad EA didn't use you all or others like you!!!"
EA's skinners are very good. Their concept artists aren't though :p and they also have to scale their stuff down for performance (as should we modders, but somehow we prefer watching beatiful units at 15 fps)

GorGorgood - Saturday June 23, 2007 - 5:14

Yeah, I have been perusing the forums for some time past, and Nertea and Cauludan (sp??, I think it is him( and others have made some great models.

You guys make some great models!!! Much appreciated!!! Your method of making maile, both chain and scale is impressive and the finished product including 'weathering' is great. Too bad EA didn't use you all or others like you!!!

You make it sound so easy but it isn't. You have to have a taklent and flare for it. Your avatar Nertea is also terrific.

If RA and TLA etc. are ever finished they will be something to see!!!


Garrison Nomad - Tuesday June 19, 2007 - 15:34

man, i wish i knew how to model and skin. Nertea, your stuff is incredible.

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