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Unhide the IK solvers and we start linking them to those circles. Normaly use max's link button to do that. Link each IK solver to the circle that it belongs to with that you can use those circles to move the IK and the whole arm with it. Allso link Root bone to that big circle that is near to it. Then set up Orientation constrait for hand, foot and head bone to those circles. This means that if you rotate that circle the bone that use OC to it will rotate with it.I almost forget to link those small circles at knees and elbows to the IK solvers as Swivel Angle, but you saw that in that video tutorial so you should know how to do that. You may notice the shoulder move out of way sligtly, we will solve that with moving the violet circle that control torso's Swivel angle sligtly to the left. i also rotate the head controler a bit to fix a small error that occur during the process. To avoid robotic moves and other weird stuff we need to set controller point's Position Controller sliglty differently then default. Select the head's circle and click on the icons in the order that numbers show you and set position controller to Bezier Position and rotation controller to TCB rotation. Repeat that step for all the other circles. When finished hide all IK solvers and circles. Before that you can check that their export setting is set to nothing. Basicly cause we dont want to export those :P After that create wwskin and rigg ( bind ) the model to the skeleton as usuall. Save you max file and open completly new one. Links / Downloads
CommentsDisplay order: Newest first Maximanbfme2tutnew - Monday May 23, 2011 - 9:25 Hi dude great tutorial. I found out of all but i export it in as like a chera then i open it with W3DViewer i open the animation and it dont do something only stand still like on Timeline 0 PLZ HELP Sulherokhh (Team Chamber Member) - Wednesday August 15, 2007 - 7:06 This is great! :D Radspakr Wolfbane (Team Chamber Member) - Tuesday July 3, 2007 - 3:17 Great Work,This tutorial will really help out modders. Bart (Administrator) - Sunday July 1, 2007 - 4:35 Good work. Tutorials on these kinds of subjects is what the community still lacks :-) |
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