The 3rd Age



This mod tends to follow the lore of books and films along with bringing the realism in the gameplay

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Interview with the Rhovanion Alliance Team

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth BFME

Avatar of ched


Category: Other
Level: N/A
Created: Tuesday November 20, 2007 - 8:21
Updated: Tuesday November 20, 2007 - 11:13
Views: 3611
Summary: The interview with the team behind the Rhovanion Alliance modification for BfME1


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Erebor & its gameplay

So tell us more about Erebor, what is the general aim of this faction?
Nertea: Erebor is the ultimate turtling faction. It provides the player with expensive and slow troops that are some of the toughest in the game. What they may lack in martial prowess vis a vis the Elves they make up for in stubbornness and workmanship of their weapons.

How are the minifactions going to reflect and/or augment this concept?
Nertea: Erebor's minifactions are generally less representative of the dwarf thought. Instead, they are supplements, allies who will complement the main faction. The Blue Mountains will provide excellent long range and stealth support, which the main faction lacks. The Iron Hills will bring superior smithing skills and powerful and versatile siege weapons as well as augmenting the infantry. The Great Shelf adds speed and power to the Dwarves, mobility they often lack with slower troops

Have the modders enjoyed working on the Erebor faction?
Dain: Yes, mainly because I've come to it at this stage, so can generally enjoy skinning and hopefully produce somthing decent looking. And Dwarves are cool
Nertea: They are my precious.
cahik: Enjoy? Well somehow, there are many animas that needs to be done and sometimes it is really hard to get me to finish something.
ched: While I've not really focused that much on Erebor yet, the concept seems very interesting thus far, and somewhat really fit to my gameplay style. I'm really looking forward to coding more units and getting to play it (The faction isn't really playable in its current stages!)

How does it compare to the Dwarf faction in EA's official sequel to the game?
Nertea: It does not compare at all. We like to think our concepts, design and feel are far more Tolkienesque than some of the... interesting choices the EA team made.
Cahik: You cant compare those two things...not at all.

How does it compare to the other factions in the mod, and which faction will be the best counter for it?
Dain: Rohan and Harad will probably be a major pain for Erebor. Mirkwood with good tactics could also seriously annoy some Dwarves.
Nertea: The best counter for the Dwarves will likely be staying away from them. This means that Rohan will have a good time - likely Harad as well. Close combat factions like Isengard and Gondor will probably be in trouble, though both have good artillery that could be used to cut down many Dwarves.

Links / Downloads

Rhovanion Alliance Website1466November 20, 2007 - 9:01


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Garrison Nomad - Wednesday November 21, 2007 - 16:17

wowww.....i understand everything now. noice.

Bebbe - Wednesday November 21, 2007 - 6:00

Nice interview :)

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