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Horde Mount/Dismount Ability

Avatar of Rob38


Category: Code
Level: Expert
Created: Wednesday December 19, 2007 - 14:55
Updated: Saturday June 27, 2009 - 18:18
Views: 12781
Summary: Giving hordes the ability to toggle between horse and foot.


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11 votes

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10. We need to set up and work on both the scriptevents and LUA files. First, create a behavior in your unit with a newly defined function.
Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_03
    AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle     = Yes ATTACK_BUILDINGS
    MoodAttackCheckRate     = 500
    HoldGroundCloseRangeDistance = 40
    AttackPriority            = AttackPriority_Cavalry
    AILuaEventsList = HelmDefenderFunctions ;InfantryFunctions

11. Open up scriptevents.xml and near the top you should see a list of <ModelConditionEvent>. You need to have two of these conditions for our mount power to work and two for the AI to work. Here are the four you need:
<ModelConditionEvent Name="OnEnemyNear">     <Conditions>+SPECIAL_ENEMY_NEAR</Conditions>
<ModelConditionEvent Name="OnEnemyNOTNear">

<ModelConditionEvent Name="UsingSpecialThree">
    <Conditions>+SPECIAL_POWER_3 -UNPACKING -PACKING </Conditions>

<ModelConditionEvent Name="UsingSpecialThreeMounted">
    <Conditions>+SPECIAL_POWER_3 -UNPACKING -PACKING +MOUNTED </Conditions>

NOTE: In BFME2, "UsingSpecialThree" should already exist ;)

12. Still in scriptevents.xml, create an event list with the name you gave in AILuaEventsList.
<EventList Name="HelmDefenderFunctions" Inherit="BaseScriptFunctions">
    <EventHandler EventName="OnEnemyNear" ScriptFunctionName="BecomeDismountedAI" DebugSingleStep="false"/>
    <EventHandler EventName="OnEnemyNOTNear" ScriptFunctionName="BecomeMountedAI" DebugSingleStep="false"/>
    <EventHandler EventName="UsingSpecialThree" ScriptFunctionName="OnHelmDefenderMounting" DebugSingleStep="false"/>
    <EventHandler EventName="UsingSpecialThreeMounted" ScriptFunctionName="OnHelmDefenderDismounting" DebugSingleStep="false"/>

13. Now open up scripts.lua and makes functions for all the scripts we have named above.

function OnHelmDefenderMounting(self)
    ObjectRemoveUpgrade( self, "Upgrade_HelmDefenderDisMount" )
    ObjectGrantUpgrade( self, "Upgrade_HelmDefenderMount" )

function OnHelmDefenderDismounting(self)
    ObjectRemoveUpgrade( self, "Upgrade_HelmDefenderMount" )
    ObjectGrantUpgrade( self, "Upgrade_HelmDefenderDisMount" )

function BecomeDismountedAI(self)
    ObjectRemoveUpgrade( self, "Upgrade_MountAI" )
    ObjectGrantUpgrade( self, "Upgrade_DisMountAI" )

function BecomeMountedAI(self)
    ObjectRemoveUpgrade( self, "Upgrade_DisMountAI" )
    ObjectGrantUpgrade( self, "Upgrade_MountAI" )

That should do it for all the scripts part.

Links / Downloads

In-Depth AI Coding2138December 23, 2007 - 20:00


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Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Sunday December 23, 2007 - 21:00

Ugh... ok, Sul, I tried your method and I was able to improve everything except for one thing. The animation will play when it's just an individual unit, but when it's a horde, it refuses to play one. I have tried tons of things but nothing works. I'll update this tutorial after I try some other things out.

EDIT: Yeah, I'm stumped. Unless someone can find a way to get the animation to work for the horde, it looks like we'll have to do without them :( Once I clean up and double check to make sure everything runs correctly, I'll edit and fix up the tutorial.


Re-did the tutorial. If you find a solution to any of the problems on Page 7, please let me know :)

Sulherokhh (Team Chamber Member) - Friday December 21, 2007 - 19:59

Sweet! :) It sure looks perfectly functional, and since you tested it, we now all know it works!! :D

For further ideas on switching commandsets (which are identical, except for the single button that buys upgrades) and the use of specific animations to play for mounting /dismounting (by using a special power instead of an OBJECT_UPGRADE button), refer to 'blackrider_SEE.ini' from S.E.E. The specialpower (and LocomotorUpgrades) would have to be installed in both horde AND hordemember, but the LuaFunctions would only be needed in the horde, just like the CommandSetMonitor) These black riders don't mount horses the usual way, as the normal mount behavior has been reserved for mounting fellbeasts.

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Friday December 21, 2007 - 14:19

Yeah, the commandset is quite an annoyance but I can't find any other solution to the problem :(

JEV3 - Friday December 21, 2007 - 11:50

Pity the commandset is so unfriendly... But to have a horde be able to mount and dismount is worth it.

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Thursday December 20, 2007 - 22:35

Please leave comments :)

EDIT: Fixed an error in article... HorseHordeContain is the behavior you want to use for the horde behavior

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