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Importing and Exporting OBJ Files from Renx

Avatar of Lord of the Rings Junkie

Lord of the Rings Junkie

Category: Graphics
Level: Intermediate
Created: Saturday August 30, 2008 - 20:12
Updated: Saturday June 27, 2009 - 19:10
Views: 10684
Summary: Import and export OBJ files from Renx to allow modding from a wider variety of 3D packages.


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Step 1: Import the game model you wish to edit into Renx using the W3D importer. As an example I will use a simple model that I made myself.

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Step 2: On the right side of the screen go to the utilities tab (it looks like a little hammer,) and click the MAXScript button.

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Step 3: If you installed the scripts to the correct location, there should be two items in the utilities drop-down menu called 'OBJ Import/Export' and 'Wavefront OBJ Import'. Obviously at the moment we want to select the one with export functionality, so go ahead and do so.

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As I stated earlier, we cannot simply run the script and get an OBJ file directly. Fortunately, Renx only prevents the output of the script from being saved, it does not prevent it from running entirely. Renx has a built-in function called 'script listener' that allows you to see the results of scripts as they run. What we will do is run the export script, take the output of script listener, copy it to a text file, and finally rename the file as an OBJ.

Step 4: Click the 'Open Listener' button in the MAXScript panel, then delete any text that may already happen to be in the listener window when it opens.

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Step 5: In the script panel click 'Export'.

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Step 6: When the script has finished running, minimize both the listener window and Renx. Do not close the listener window. Navigate to wherever you put GrabListener.exe and run it. This little program allows you to easily save the output of the listener directly to a text file, but if need be you can simply copy and paste manually into your favorite text editor and save as a TXT.

Step 7: Change the TXT extension on the file to OBJ. You're done! You can now import the model into your 3D program of choice and edit it with UV coordinates intact.

Notes: When you import the OBJ all polygons will most likely be separate, so you will have to weld duplicate vertices together. Packages have different terminology for this, but in Cinema4D this is 'optimize mesh' and in Blender it is 'remove doubles'.

The export script will only export things as one object, so if you have a model that consists of multiple objects you will have to export each one separately.

I have had some trouble in the past exporting BFME2 buildings, this may be for the same reason that they won't import into Renx with texture coordinates.

Links / Downloads

Renx OBJ Tools2819August 30, 2008 - 20:16

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