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How to set up AI for a new Faction

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Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Sunday August 31, 2008 - 7:08
Updated: Monday September 1, 2008 - 12:32
Views: 9913
Summary: Tutorial that takes you through all necessary steps to create a new BFME2/ROTWK AI


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AI Bases:

Open Worldbuilder
Open an AI Base - I´ll take "ai base - arnor - base_01" for this tutorial

Use the place object tool to place all your new buildings
I´ll use RohanArchery, RohanStableNew, RohanBarracks, RohanFortress, GondorWell and EntMoot
Note: On my screenshots the RohanBarracks uses RohanStables model and the RohanFortress uses MenFortress model

Click on the BaseCenterGeneric (the thing in the middle). Change the name from "AI BASE - Arnor - 01" to "AI BASE - Rohan - 01" and the Team from "PlyrArnor/teamPlyrArnor" to "PlyrRohan/teamPlyrRohan"

Because I used GondorWell and EntMoot I´ll have to change their teams to - the right team is "PlyrRohan/teamPlyrRohan"

Now copy the Arnor Fortress´s position, delete the Arnor Fortress and paste the position to the RohanFortress. Now do the same for every other structure.

Select every structure except for the fortress, in the ObjectProperties window you´ll find "In Base: (not in any base)". Change it into "In Base: AI BASE - Rohan - 01" (the name of the BaseCenterGeneric).

Now we have to think what structure should be the first, second,...

Cause my faction is Rohan, the first structure should be a Stable, the second one an Archery Range. If you want open some of EA´s bases and have a look at them.

As I said the first structure should be a Stable, so I select a Stable and click on "BaseProps" in the ObjectProperties window

EA uses Phase:Phase_1 and Priority:1900 for there first structure, the second one has Priority:700

Normally two or three unit producing structures are created in Phase 1, things like forges, workshops and the rest of barracks, archeryranges and stables are created in Phase 2 and in Phase 3 things like towers, statues and wells.

The AI will build buildings earlier if their Priority is higher, but your Priority should be less than 2000, cause Farms have 2000, only a Defender of a Fortress has something higher than 2000, if you are interested take a look at the Helms Deep AI Base

The AI Base is finished, save it for example as "ai base - rohan - base_01"


This step is very easy, but very time consuming, cause you have to edit EVERY map, you want to have the AI on.
Open any map. Select Edit -> Edit Player List -> Add Skirmish Players
Save it and move to the next map
Note: Your new faction must have Playable = Yes in playertemplate.ini

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