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Combo Hordes - BFME1 style. On this page I'll explain how to make a standard combo horde. This is very easy, and very similar to how it works in BFME1. Creating a now Horde. First we have to create the horde itself. For this we have to open menhordes.ini. Our horde will consist of Gondor Soldiers and Gondor Archers. The Archers will be the one killing stuff, while the Soldiers stand in front of them to protect the Archers. So the attack AI should be that of an Archer Horde. We'll start with just copying the GondorArcherHorde. Paste it, and change it's name to GondorFighterArcherComboHorde. Now we'll work trough it from the top to the bottom. First we'll look at the weaponset:
Our new horde won't have the ability to Bombard an area. So we'll just remove the Tertiary weapon and it's autochoosesources. Next is the KindOf:
I don't know what it does, but there is a COMBO_HORDE KindOf, and it should be of some use, so we'll just add it. It'll be a combo horde after all. Now we'll go to the Commandset. For this we'll have to create a new commandset for our horde. Go to CommandSet.ini, search the GondorArcherHordeCommandSet and copy/paste it. Change it's name to GondorFighterArcherComboHordeCommandSet, and replace the Bombard commandbutton with: Command_PurchaseUpgradeGondorForgedBlades This will allow us to buy the Forged Blades upgrade for our fellow soldiers.
Go back to menhordes.ini, and change the commandset to the one we just made.
Now up to the most important part of the combo horde: the HordeContain module. Currently, it looks like this:
Let's look here first:
It says that the horde originally contains 15 (GOOD_MEN_GAINT_HORDE_SIZE is 15) GondorArchers, and that the horde has 15 slots. We want our horde to contain both an Archer horde and an Soldier horde. We'll need to add an extra InitialPayload, and to alter the amount of slots:
Now we'll look at the ranks:
There are 3 ranks, which all contain 5 archers. We want 6 ranks, the first 3 with soldiers, and the last 3 with archers. We'll change it into this:
We still need to add 2 very important lines, and change 1 line. Just under the ranks you'll see this line:
We also want our archers to attack. Just adding rank 4 to 6 to this line doesn't work, but we'll do it anyway. Additionally, we'll add 2 lines:
RanksToJustFreeWhenAttacking enables our combo horde to attack, without this they just wont attack. The third line tells the archers behind rank 3 to not position themselves in the first 3 ranks. If they did, they would prevent Soldiers from respawning at that position, and after a while the whole horde would contain just archers. If you scroll down a bit, you'll see 2 StatusBitsUpgrades. Remember we added the Forged Blades upgrade to their commandset? Now we'll add another statusbitsupgrade to enable the use of Forged Blades. Add this code after the seconds statusbitsupgrade:
Our combo horde is ready, but right now we have no way to create the horde. For this we need to add a few lines to GondorFighterHorde and GondorArcherHorde. First go to the HordeContain Behavior in GondorFighterHorde, and add this line after the rankinfo:
This will tell our fighter horde that it can combo with an archer horde, and that this results in a Combo Horde being created. The Fighter horde can change it's formation, and when it does, it changes into another (child)object. If we just add 1 line, the archer horde won't be able to combine with this childobject. Therefor we need to use 2 lines:
Finally we should go to the experiencelevels.ini. At the top, you'll see a line that starts with "#define GOOD_TROOPS". For our combo horde to level, we need to add "GondorFighterArcherComboHorde" after this. This allows our combo horde to level just like any other horde.
So now we have a combo horde, and we can create it by making separate Fighter and Archer hordes and combine them. However, building the combo horde at the barracks won't work. For this we need additional code. I'll explain why this doesn't work, and how we can work around this on the next page. Links / Downloads
CommentsDisplay order: Newest first Sulherokhh (Team Chamber Member) - Monday May 4, 2009 - 15:28 That's normal when combining. Think of it as guards for the archers. What is actually causing this is that a single horde (even a combo horde) can only have a single rangefinder active. The rangefinder triggers the weapon. In this case the rangefinder has approximately the same range as that of the archers themselves and therefor they fire. Any targets are acquired by the fighters, but their melee weapons simply don't have enough range for an actual attack to occur. And the horde will not seperate for it to happen. If you shorten the range of the rangefinder, even the archers will close to melee range. drogoth232 - Monday May 4, 2009 - 14:18 Really good Tut. But I have a problem. Only my archers atttack and my fighters just stay there until a unit gets close enough for them to attack. MrFurious - Wednesday April 29, 2009 - 1:48 I've deleted the whole code page, as it was full of errors, because it was the code I used for testing, not for creating this tutorial. Maybe I'll have another look at the whole tutorial, and make some additions, or recreate the code page with the right code. Sulherokhh (Team Chamber Member) - Wednesday April 29, 2009 - 1:23 Your tut could use some reformatting, especially in the code sections, to make it more readable. There is one more 'end' than needed in the 'commandset.ini'-section on page 4. MrFurious - Friday April 24, 2009 - 9:58 I found a new, easier way to recruit the horde, so I've updated the guide accordingly. |
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