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Combo Hordes

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2, Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

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Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Monday April 20, 2009 - 7:49
Updated: Saturday May 30, 2009 - 4:10
Views: 5828
Summary: How to add Combo Hordes into BFME2, and how make them recruitable at the barracks


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Recruitable Combo Hordes.
Before I go into what we need to change, let's first have a look at what we did on the last page. The HordeContain module currently looks like this:
Behavior = HordeContain ModuleTag_HordeContain
    FrontAngle = 270
    FlankedDelay = 2000
    ObjectStatusOfContained =
    InitialPayload = GondorArcher GOOD_MEN_GIANT_HORDE_SIZE
    InitialPayload = GondorFighter GOOD_MEN_GIANT_HORDE_SIZE
    Slots = 30
    PassengerFilter    = NONE +INFANTRY
    ShowPips = No
    ThisFormationIsTheMainFormation = Yes    
    RandomOffset=X:0 Y:0
    MeleeBehavior = Amoeba

    // Banner Carrier info        
    BannerCarriersAllowed    = GondorInfantryBanner
    BannerCarrierPosition    = UnitType:GondorArcher    Pos:X:70.0 Y:0.0        
    RankInfo = RankNumber:1 UnitType:GondorFighter Position:X:50 Y:0            Position:X:50 Y:20                Position:X:50 Y:-20                Position:X:50 Y:40                Position:X:50 Y:-40
    RankInfo = RankNumber:2 UnitType:GondorFighter Position:X:30 Y:0 Leader 1 0    Position:X:30 Y:20 Leader 1 1    Position:X:30 Y:-20 Leader 1 2    Position:X:30 Y:40 Leader 1 3    Position:X:30 Y:-40 Leader 1 4
    RankInfo = RankNumber:3 UnitType:GondorFighter Position:X:10 Y:0 Leader 2 0    Position:X:10 Y:20 Leader 2 1    Position:X:10 Y:-20 Leader 2 2    Position:X:10 Y:40 Leader 2 3    Position:X:10 Y:-40 Leader 2 4
    RankInfo = RankNumber:4 UnitType:GondorArcher Position:X:-10 Y:0 Leader 3 0    Position:X:-10 Y:20 Leader 3 1    Position:X:-10 Y:-20 Leader 3 2    Position:X:-10 Y:40 Leader 3 3    Position:X:-10 Y:-40 Leader 3 4
    RankInfo = RankNumber:5 UnitType:GondorArcher Position:X:-30 Y:0 Leader 4 0    Position:X:-30 Y:20 Leader 4 1    Position:X:-30 Y:-20 Leader 4 2    Position:X:-30 Y:40 Leader 4 3    Position:X:-30 Y:-40 Leader 4 4
    RankInfo = RankNumber:6 UnitType:GondorArcher Position:X:-50 Y:0 Leader 5 0    Position:X:-50 Y:20 Leader 5 1    Position:X:-50 Y:-20 Leader 5 2    Position:X:-50 Y:40 Leader 5 3    Position:X:-50 Y:-40 Leader 5 4

    RanksToReleaseWhenAttacking = 1 2 3 4 5 6
    RanksToJustFreeWhenAttacking = 1 2 3 4 5 6
    RanksThatStopAdvance = 3

    MeleeAttackLeashDistance = 1
    BackUpMinDelayTime         = 1    
    BackUpMaxDelayTime         = 3000    
    BackUpMinDistance         = 1    
    BackUpMaxDistance         = 3    
    BackupPercentage         = 80%    

These lines cause the big problem:
InitialPayload = GondorFighter GOOD_MEN_GIANT_HORDE_SIZE
InitialPayload = GondorArcher GOOD_MEN_GIANT_HORDE_SIZE
Slots = 30

The first 2 lines tell that when this horde is created, it contains 15 GondorFighters, and 15 GondorArchers. But the barracks can only create one type of unit per horde. The 3rd line tells that the horde can contain a maximum of 30 units, exclusive banner carrier. However, when the horde is created, they always create the maximum number of units possible. If we say that they should create 15 fighters, and that the horde can contain 30 units, they'll just create 30 fighters. We don't want that. However, when we create the horde in any other way, everything will work fine. To do this, we'll use the ObjectCreationList. We'll recruit another object, that immediately dies, but when it dies, it spawns our horde.

First we'll create this object. It's a very basic object, and we'll create it in goodfactionsubobjects.ini. If you scroll down, you'll find more of these "eggs". Our object code looks like this:
Object GondorFighterArcherComboHordeEgg
    Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_Draw        
            Model = None

    BuildCost = 300
    BuildTime = 20

    CommandPoints = 60
    Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_MakesKillWork
        MaxHealth = 1
    Behavior = LifetimeUpdate ModuleTag_HatchTrigger
        MinLifetime = 0.0
        MaxLifetime = 0.0
    Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_HatchProcess
        DestructionDelay = 4000    
        OCL        = FINAL OCL_SpawnGondorFighterArcherHorde        

Basically it has no model, it can't move or be attacked, and it dies immediately. When it dies, it is destroyed after 4 seconds, and triggers the "OCL_SpawnGondorFighterArcherComboHorde". Note that you have to define the build cost and time here, as this is the object we'll recruit from the barracks. Also add the commandpoints here, or the horde won't stop building when you've reached your commandpointlimit.

Now we need to define this OCL, therefore we'll go to objectcreationlist.ini (just after the object folder). We'll create the following objectcreationlist:
ObjectCreationList OCL_SpawnGondorFighterArcherHorde
        ObjectNames = GondorFighterArcherComboHorde
        Count = 1
        FadeIn = Yes
        FadeTime = 2000
        Offset = X:100.0 Y:100.0 Z:0.0

This ObjectCreationList spawns our horde, that fades in in 2 seconds. It has an offset to create it outside our barracks.

Now we just have to create a commandbutton and alter the commandset for our barracks:

CommandButton Command_ConstructGondorFighterArcherComboHorde
    Command                = UNIT_BUILD
    Object                = GondorFighterArcherHordeEgg
    Options                = CANCELABLE
    TextLabel            = CONTROLBAR:ConstructGondorFighterHorde
    ButtonImage            = BGBarracks_Soldiers
    ButtonBorderType = BUILD
    DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipBuildGondorFighterHorde
    Radial                = Yes
    InPalantir            = Yes
    ShowProductionCount    = Yes

CommandSet GondorBarracksCommandSet
    1    = Command_ConstructGondorFighterHorde
    2    = Command_ConstructGondorTowerShieldGuardHorde
    3    = Command_ConstructGondorFighterArcherComboHorde
    4    = Command_PurchaseTechnologyGondorBasicTraining
    5    = Command_PurchaseUpgradeGondorBarracksLevel2
    6    = Command_Sell

CommandSet GondorBarracksCommandSetLevel2
    1    = Command_ConstructGondorFighterHorde
    2    = Command_ConstructGondorTowerShieldGuardHorde
    3    = Command_ConstructGondorFighterArcherComboHorde
    4    = Command_PurchaseTechnologyGondorBasicTraining
    5    = Command_PurchaseUpgradeGondorBarracksLevel3
    6    = Command_Sell

CommandSet GondorBarracksCommandSetLevel3
    1    = Command_ConstructGondorFighterHorde
    2    = Command_ConstructGondorTowerShieldGuardHorde
    3    = Command_ConstructGondorFighterArcherComboHorde
    4    = Command_PurchaseTechnologyGondorBasicTraining
    6    = Command_Sell

Now our barracks can produce combo hordes!
But the AI doesn't use them. On the next page, we will solve this final problem.

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Combo Hordes for BFME11406April 20, 2009 - 8:15


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Sulherokhh (Team Chamber Member) - Monday May 4, 2009 - 15:28

That's normal when combining. Think of it as guards for the archers. What is actually causing this is that a single horde (even a combo horde) can only have a single rangefinder active. The rangefinder triggers the weapon. In this case the rangefinder has approximately the same range as that of the archers themselves and therefor they fire. Any targets are acquired by the fighters, but their melee weapons simply don't have enough range for an actual attack to occur. And the horde will not seperate for it to happen. If you shorten the range of the rangefinder, even the archers will close to melee range.

drogoth232 - Monday May 4, 2009 - 14:18

Really good Tut. But I have a problem. Only my archers atttack and my fighters just stay there until a unit gets close enough for them to attack.

MrFurious - Wednesday April 29, 2009 - 1:48

I've deleted the whole code page, as it was full of errors, because it was the code I used for testing, not for creating this tutorial. Maybe I'll have another look at the whole tutorial, and make some additions, or recreate the code page with the right code.

Sulherokhh (Team Chamber Member) - Wednesday April 29, 2009 - 1:23

Your tut could use some reformatting, especially in the code sections, to make it more readable. There is one more 'end' than needed in the 'commandset.ini'-section on page 4.
You might also go into some detail regarding the advantages and disatvantages of using Eggs (CommandPoints, AI-recruitment, etc.)

Otherwise it's good.

MrFurious - Friday April 24, 2009 - 9:58

I found a new, easier way to recruit the horde, so I've updated the guide accordingly.

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