The 3rd Age

Fin's LOTR Expansion

Fin's LOTR Expansion

A mod that adds Rohan to the game, and strives to bring back some BFME I fun!

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Create a Hero Attribute guide - Part 2

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2

Avatar of Solinx


Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Sunday March 25, 2007 - 10:04
Updated: Saturday June 27, 2009 - 18:56
Views: 10910
Summary: Going beyond the basic enhancement of the CaH attributes.


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3 votes

Page 1 2 3 4 5

This guide is the second of a set of two. The first part teaches you to change the maximum attribute points you can spend at the creation of your personal hero and it will show you how to change the attribute restrictions within the range of 1 to 20 for each specific class and for each specific attribute.

This part is for the more advanced coders, and will teach you to expand these limits. Because the graphics won't adjust with the code, this has never been tested by me. I simply write down the links that I have seen and leave the choice to you whether to use it or not.

I split the one guide into two separate ones. You can find the first guide listed on this site as a Beginner guide.

Important notes

This guide is both useable for all patches of the original game, and at least the original version of the RotWK expansion.

In this guide I assume you have basic knowledge of modding BFME 2 and know you're way around with ini's. If not, check out some of the other beginner tutorials on this site.

This guide is written by Solinx, for the Third Age Modding community at

Table of Contents

Page 1
Important notes
Table of Contents

Page 2
From legend to god

Page 3
Linking the upgrade to an modifier

Page 4
The attribute modifier

Page 5
To sum it up and endnotes

Next page: From legend to god


Display order: Newest first

Telcontar - Saturday July 14, 2012 - 12:34

Thanks for the guide. You may want to know that you can adjust the graphics editing

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