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Modules - Draw + Body + BehaviorsTutorial for BFME, BFME 2, ROTWK
Ridder Geel
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Created: |
Tuesday May 5, 2009 - 10:16 |
Updated: |
Monday February 18, 2013 - 13:46 |
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8035 |
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Find info on all the modules (Body & Draw & AIUpdate are done) in the BFME series! (Far from done!) |
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-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+- Behavior ~ AI Update Modules -+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-
This one is used by most units ingame, this one is usually the Basic one, so some of the things in this "Block" can be used in any other "AI Update".
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Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_AIUpdateInterface
AttackPriority = AttackPriority_Cavalry ;; The Attack priority this unit has, found in: \data\ini\default\skirmishaidata.ini
AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = Yes ATTACK_BUILDINGS ;; Auto Aquire structures and units when idle.
StopChaseDistance = 642 ;; How far to chase a unit before giving up?
MoodAttackCheckRate = 500 ;; How often to check for emotions such as fear? (M. Seconds)
CanAttackWhileContained = Yes ;; Can this unit attack while its in a structure or other unit?
HoldGroundCloseRangeDistance = 40 ;; Can attack this close when being in the Hold Ground stance.
AILuaEventsList = TomBombadil_Functions ;; LUA Event list, found in:\data\scripts\scriptevents.xml
MinCowerTime = 8000 ;; Min time to cower in fear. (M. Seconds)
MaxCowerTime = 10000 ;; Max time to cower in fear. (M. Seconds)
RampageTime = 4470 ;; Time to be in rampage mode. (M. Seconds)
RampageRequiresAflame = Yes ;; Must be on fire to Rampage"death"
BurningDeathTime = 2000 ;; Time to "burn" until death. (M. Seconds)
TimeToEjectPassengersOnRampage = 2300 ;; Time to eject all passengers in rampage mode. (M. Seconds)
ComboLocomotorSet = SET_COMBO ;; Locomoterset to use when in "Combo Attack".
ComboLocoAttackDistance = 100 ;; If we are farther than this from an enemy, use combo locomotor.
SpecialContactPoints = Repair ;; Special points which this unit uses for doing special things.
FadeOnPortals = Yes ;; When teleporting fade away.
This is the AI Update module used by Siegeladders and Siegetowers.
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Behavior = SiegeAIUpdate ModuleTag_SiegeAIUpdate
AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = No
MoodAttackCheckRate = 250
This is the AI Update module used by hordes.
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Behavior = HordeAIUpdate ModuleTag_HordeAIUpdate
AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = Yes ATTACK_BUILDINGS
MoodAttackCheckRate = 500
AILuaEventsList = InfantryFunctions
MaxCowerTime = 5000
MinCowerTime = 3000
AttackPriority = AttackPriority_Infantry
This is the AI Update module used by hordes which can repair things, such as Rohan's peasants.
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Behavior = HordeWorkerAIUpdate ModuleTag_HordeWorkerAIUpdate
AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = Yes ATTACK_BUILDINGS
MoodAttackCheckRate = 500
MaxCowerTime = 5000
MinCowerTime = 3000
AILuaEventsList = InfantryFunctions
AttackPriority = AttackPriority_Infantry
SpecialContactPoints = Repair
This is the AI Update module used by Supply trucks in C&C Generals.
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Behavior = SupplyTruckAIUpdate ModuleTag_SupplyTruckAIUpdate
MaxBoxes = 4
SupplyCenterActionDelay = 400 ; ms for whole thing (one transaction)
SupplyWarehouseActionDelay = 1000 ; ms per box (many small transactions)
SupplyWarehouseScanDistance = 700 ;350 ; Max distance to look for a warehouse, or we go home. (Direct dock command on warehouse overrides, and no max on Center Scan)
This is the AI Update Module used by Porters (AKA: Dozers)
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Behavior = DozerAIUpdate ModuleTag_DozerAIUpdate
AILuaEventsList = EvilPorterFunctions
RepairHealthPercentPerSecond = 2% ; % of max health to repair each second
BoredTime = 5000 ; in milliseconds
BoredRange = 120 ; when bored, we look this far away to do something
AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = No ; no mine-disarming in the design at the moment
SpecialContactPoints = Repair
This is the AI Update Module used by transports in C&C Generals.
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Behavior = TransportAIUpdate ModuleTag_TransportAIUpdate
AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = No ;CleanupHazardUpdate handles this...
TurretTurnRate = 180 ;; How fast can the turret turn?
TurretPitchRate = 180 ;; How fast can the turret change its pitch?
AllowsPitch = Yes ;; Can it change its Pitch?
MinPhysicalPitch = -20 ;; If allows pitch, the lowest I can dip down to shoot. defaults to 0 (horizontal)
TurretFireAngleSweep = PRIMARY 25 ;; At what angle does this turret fire?
ControlledWeaponSlots = PRIMARY ;; What weapon slot does this turret use?
This is the AI Update Module used by nothing... Only used a few times in C&C Generals... There it is empty!
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Behavior = WanderAIUpdate ModuleTag_WanderAIUpdate
This is the AI Update Module used by Animals, Gollum also uses this AI Update.
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Behavior = AnimalAIUpdate ModuleTagWanderAround
FleeRange = 100 ;; how close enemies have to be before we panic.
FleeDistance = 800 ;; how far the animal will run once spooked.
WanderPercentage = 5 ;; percentage of the time we should move.
MaxWanderDistance = 50 ;; maximum distance to move at once.
MaxWanderRadius = 200 ;; how far to wander on our own?
UpdateTimer = 10000 ;; how often do we want to check for enemies?
AfraidOfCastles = Yes ;; are we afraid of entering castles/camps?
This is the AI Update Module used by building foundations.
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Behavior = FoundationAIUpdate ModuleTag_FoundationAIUpdate
BuildVariation = 2 ;; Will give BUILD_VARIATION_TWO to anything built on it
This is the AI Update Module used by Workers.
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Behavior = WorkerAIUpdate ModuleTag_WorkerAIUpdate
RepairHealthPercentPerSecond = 0.2% ;; % of max health to repair each second
BoredTime = 5000 ;; in milliseconds
BoredRange = 120 ;; when bored, we look this far away to do something
SpecialContactPoints = Repair
MaxBoxes = 1 ;; How many abstract units of goods can I carry
SupplyWarehouseScanDistance = 5000 ;; How far to look for trees
SupplyCenterActionDelay = 2000 ;; How long it takes to drop off logs
HarvestTrees = Yes ;; Replace the Dock-with-warehouse with Harvest-From-Point
HarvestActivationRange = 25 ;; How close to a tree counts as close enough
HarvestPreparationTime = 5000 ;; How long to knock a tree down
HarvestActionTime = 3000 ;; How long to grab a load of wood
AILuaEventsList = InfantryFunctions
This is the AI Update Module used by big flying creatures.
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Behavior = GiantBirdAIUpdate ModuleTag_GiantBirdAIUpdate
AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = Yes ATTACK_BUILDINGS
MoodAttackCheckRate = 500
AILuaEventsList = FellBeastFunctions
FollowThroughDistance = 200 ;; Distance to follow through on swoop attack.
FollowThroughCheckStep = 50 ;; Check "Steps" on follow through.
FollowThroughGradient = 1.0 ;; Not sure what this does, but its always 1.0.
GrabTossTimeTrigger = 2.5 ;; After how many seconds do I drop my "victim".
GrabTossHeightTrigger = 100.0 ;; At what height do i drop my "victim".
TossFX = FX_DiebyFalling ;; FX to play when i drop my "victim".
SpecialContactPoints = Swoop
AttackPriority = AttackPriority_FellBeast
This is the AI Update Module used by a special transport in C&C Generals.
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Behavior = AssaultTransportAIUpdate ModuleTag_AssaultTransportAIUpdate
MembersGetHealedAtLifeRatio = 0.5
This is the AI Update Module used by units/objects that can be deployed.
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Behavior = DeployStyleAIUpdate ModuleTag_DeployStyleAIUpdate
AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = Yes ATTACK_BUILDINGS
MoodAttackCheckRate = 2500
MustDeployToAttack = No ;; Must the unit be deployed to be able to attack?
UnpackTime = 2000 ;; Time in MS to "Unpack"
PackTime = 2000 ;; Time in MS to "Pack"
DeployedAttributeModifier = DwarvenDemolisherDeployModifier ;; Modifier to give once deployed.
CommentsDisplay order: Newest first Sulherokhh (Team Chamber Member) - Thursday May 21, 2009 - 6:44 Most, if not all, AI update modules work with additional modules (which they need) exclusively. It might be sensible to make a reference to those modules and/or define them in the same way right below the AI module.
In adddition, work on the formatting. It's bothersome to read different sections with entirely different formats. Remove all TAB characters, replace with a single SPACE. Comment (';') lines that don't help explain should be removed as well.
Keep it up. Lurtzy - Thursday May 14, 2009 - 18:08 Looking really cool so far, can't wait to see more! Yarrum - Monday May 11, 2009 - 4:23 Cool tutorial. With this, I might be able to get Boromir's Last Stand power to work properly. I know they did it in Elvenstar but it never seemed to work in my game.
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