The 3rd Age

Galadhrim Warriors - Mini Mod

Galadhrim Warriors - Mini Mod

A Mini Mod adding the Galadhrim Warriors to the Elven Faction in ROTWK.

Button for The 3rd AgeButton for The Dwarf HoldsButton for The Elven AllianceButton for Helm's Deep Last HopeButton for GothmogtheOrcButton for BFME+Button for The Four AgesButton for HDR HeadquartersButton for Middle Earth CenterButton for Project Perfect Mod

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Making new mounted heroes without modelling

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth BFME, Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2, Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

Avatar of GothmogtheOrc


Category: Graphics
Level: Beginner
Created: Sunday July 19, 2009 - 19:58
Updated: Tuesday July 21, 2009 - 13:45
Views: 11244
Summary: Using Sy's AssetBuilder to edit models and textures to create a new model


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Now we need to add the files to our mod in the Art\Textures and Art\W3D folders. I went ahead and stuck the SKL in with the models just to be sure that everything works right. You might not want to or need to, but I'm going to be careful with mine as I don't want to have any errors.

Now go back out of the art folder and open up the EA AssetBuilder folder, but don't run it yet. Now make a copy of your Art folder (and any other assets) and stick them in the EA AssetBuilder folder. Once that's done run the "AssetCacheBuilder" (aka the EA AssetBuilder).

Now you should have three new files: Asset.dat , Asseterrors.txt , and AssetCacheBuilder.exe-YourComputerName

Open up the asseterrors.txt file and look for anything related to your new hero... Particularly we don't want to see this in front of our hero: "Internal box" or "Internal hierarchy" like so:

Internal box is named GOUGBLNPKMN2_SK.BOUNDINGBOX; Could not get info for art\w3d\gblnpkmn_skn.w3d
Internal hierarchy is named GC; Could not get info for art\w3d\gobcit.w3d

Those are very bad errors... they tell us that the game won't be reading those models. Usually caused by two things referring to the same name. So if you have two meshes that both are named aragorn there might be a problem.

But if it has this in front:

Asset RUGAMLI_SKN.SPEAR in file rugamli_skn.w3d depends on unknown asset rueowyn.tga.

That's probably ok, it's just telling us we didn't include an image called rueowyn.tga but in this case it is in the original game and we don't need to worry about it. It will still work either way... it may just show up pink if you don't have the image in your mod or in the original game.

If you get the first error, go back and try the thing with Sy's Asset Builder again and make sure that the file name is the same. You might be able to fix this error with the HEX Editor if you know what you're doing... at the top and bottom of the model are the mesh names and you can edit them with the hex editor... no promises on it working though. Your best bet is to start over.

Ok, next drag your new Asset.dat file into your mod folder. Now add your new model name to your hero's code. I am going to assume that you know how to do that and that you know how to reference the animations correctly.

Now our hero is all set. Create your new .big file for the mod and try out the hero in-game.

If your hero shows up invisible in-game make sure you referenced the model names correctly in his code. If you did that correctly and he still doesn't work you may have to try making him again.

Once again, credit to zimoo for suggesting that I use Sy's AssetBuilder and help with getting it working.

Thus concludes this tutorial.



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BFMEOnlineOmar - Tuesday February 13, 2018 - 0:59

'' now you are going to want to make a copy of all the skins and rename them to whatever you want... for me this means: rugamling.tga , rugamlinghrs.tga , ect ''
CAN YOU EXPLAIN THESE WORDS TO ME ?! why copying skins !! ,i suppose i will going to make isildur mounted hero, now what can i do !? coying skins ? or get isildur.tga ?!

drogoth232 - Friday March 12, 2010 - 18:37

Doesnt work correctly for me... :( I am doing all the right steps, but in W3D viewer it only shows one of the many added textures. Wait I dont think numbers are allowed...

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Monday July 20, 2009 - 19:31

Ah, did not know you had to have the same number of letters in the name. Nice find. :)

This should work for all the games, not just BFME1 ;)

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