The 3rd Age

BfME 1½ Mod

BfME 1½ Mod

A mod that makes BfME2 as it should have been with the building plot system from BfME1!

Button for The 3rd AgeButton for The Dwarf HoldsButton for The Elven AllianceButton for Helm's Deep Last HopeButton for GothmogtheOrcButton for BFME+Button for The Four AgesButton for HDR HeadquartersButton for Middle Earth CenterButton for Project Perfect Mod

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Making new mounted heroes without modelling

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth BFME, Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2, Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

Avatar of GothmogtheOrc


Category: Graphics
Level: Beginner
Created: Sunday July 19, 2009 - 19:58
Updated: Tuesday July 21, 2009 - 13:45
Views: 11244
Summary: Using Sy's AssetBuilder to edit models and textures to create a new model


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For this tutorial I'll show you how to add a new Gamling model in-game as that is what I'm doing right now.

So get out the following models and skins and keep them all in a folder somewhere:
rueomer.tga (we'll convert this to .dds later, tga are easier to edit)
ruhhs_theo_skl.w3d (horse skl)
rutheohorsem.tga (or .dds... you can convert it if need be)

Ok, now you are going to want to make a copy of all the skins and rename them to whatever you want... for me this means: rugamling.tga , rugamlinghrs.tga , ect. And for the purposes of this tutorial, I have made mine Neon Green for easy spotting in-game. If you do the same you can always replace the texture with a new one later. NOTE: if you can't edit DDS files with your image editor you can use the DDS Converter to convert them to TGA files which most editors can read.

Now we need to open up Sy's AssetBuilder. Click on the "Edit W3D" button... find your unmounted model (rueomer_skn.w3d) and open it up. It should then show you at least one, but possibly more, tga files. For Eomer it shows rueomer.tga as well as rueowyn.tga (for his spear power). Select rueomer.tga and click the "replace" button. Now find your new skin (rugamling.tga) and click open. You can do this for any and all textures listed, but for this tutorial I'm just changing the hero skin so I'm done here.

Now click "ok"... it's going to ask you for the new model's name and save location... select the spot you want to save it to and change the name BUT KEEP THE SAME NUMBER OF LETTERS IN THE NAME. So if the old model name was "RUEOMER_SKN" then the new name should be "RUGAMLI_SKN".

Now do the same thing for the mounted model. (which btw I recolored the horse skin blue for easy viewing in-game)

Ok, now we have our new models and they reference the new skins... next, view the models in W3D Viewer to make sure that they look ok (i.e. make sure that the new skins show up). Ok, mine look good, I've got a green hero and a blue horse. we are now done with Sy's AssetBuilder and can close it.


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BFMEOnlineOmar - Tuesday February 13, 2018 - 0:59

'' now you are going to want to make a copy of all the skins and rename them to whatever you want... for me this means: rugamling.tga , rugamlinghrs.tga , ect ''
CAN YOU EXPLAIN THESE WORDS TO ME ?! why copying skins !! ,i suppose i will going to make isildur mounted hero, now what can i do !? coying skins ? or get isildur.tga ?!

drogoth232 - Friday March 12, 2010 - 18:37

Doesnt work correctly for me... :( I am doing all the right steps, but in W3D viewer it only shows one of the many added textures. Wait I dont think numbers are allowed...

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Monday July 20, 2009 - 19:31

Ah, did not know you had to have the same number of letters in the name. Nice find. :)

This should work for all the games, not just BFME1 ;)

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