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Adding your own Create a Hero (Sub)Class

Avatar of Solinx


Category: Code
Level: Expert
Created: Sunday March 25, 2007 - 13:28
Updated: Friday August 27, 2010 - 19:28
Views: 34158
Summary: Basic instructions for creating a new Create a Hero lineup


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--- Adding a Create a Hero Subclass

From my notes:
1.     Open ""

2.     Copy the Shield Maiden Subclass code    

3.     Rename the value of UpgradeName to Upgrade_CreateAHero_SubClass_2

4.     At this point the class is added in the CAH menu next to the Shield Maiden.
    It is an exact copy of that class. The only thing missing are the animations.
    Alltough it definetly doesn't look the way it should, you can now use it as a new class.

5.     Making the animations work is just as easy.
    Open "" which you can find in ...\ini\Object\Createahero

6.    Again we copy the Shield Maiden code.    

7.    Change "ModuleTag_HeroOfTheWest_SubClass_1" into "ModuleTag_HeroOfTheWest_SubClass_2"
    Change "ModuleTag_HeroOfTheWest_SubClass_1_MM" into "ModuleTag_HeroOfTheWest_SubClass_2_MM"
    Change both "Upgrade_CreateAHero_SubClass_1" into "Upgrade_CreateAHero_SubClass_2"

You can now play the game with your own copy of the Shield Maiden (or whichever character you decide to copy.)

Naturally this isn't exactly what you'd want.
But you now have a copy of the Shield Maiden you can toy with, without destroying the original class.

For instance, you can change the stats and bling stuff in the "" file.
If you know more about the workings of BFME you can change more stuff, but you wont need me to point out the possiblities.

However it is not possible to change the powers that you can choose for your class,
unless you dont mind having them changed for the complete Class.

Unlike with adding a new Class, you don't have to add new Subclass upgrades, untill you have 6 or 7 of them in one Class.



Display order: Newest first

Elaryan - Wednesday January 14, 2009 - 14:24

it works! i have my own CAH class ! muajauajua thx you

ILUTAVAR - Saturday March 22, 2008 - 8:01

i cant edit the cah upgrades

{IP}Sauron - Thursday June 21, 2007 - 14:23

nice tutorial gotta use this sometime

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