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Skinning in Layers

Avatar of Yarrum


Category: Graphics
Level: Intermediate
Created: Tuesday January 4, 2011 - 14:27
Updated: Monday January 10, 2011 - 18:52
Views: 6198
Summary: This tutorial explains the steps of skinning effetively using multiple layers, tools and filters.


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STEP 1 - base texture

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It's hard to believe but the first step when skinning is a simple grey texture. In this case it can be smooth but with metals it's better to have more scratches and noise. Tip: if you set your foreground and background colors to slightly different shades of a color and go to Filter>Render>Clouds you can get a good base texture.

Step 2 - layers and effects

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This is really mechanical, what I did here was use some reference pics to make the different shapes composing the object. First thing you do is duplicate your base texture and turn it into a brown color, now go to Layer Styles click in Drop Shadow but set the Distance to 0 px then click in Stroke and set the size to 1, blend mode to Overlay and Opacity to 35%. With the pen tool make a path outlining the shape you want and then right click (with the pen tool still selected) and choose Make Selection, set feather radius to 0,2 pixels and click OK, right click the selection and choose Layer via copy. The new layer should carry on the drop shadow and stroke. Do this with every shape and when finished make the brown base texture invisible.

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Louis Lux's Profile1526January 4, 2011 - 16:56


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Lauri (Team Chamber Member) - Wednesday January 5, 2011 - 13:31

I've seen it before, but it still amazes me.. Well done by Louis!

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