The 3rd Age

Lone Wolf: The Age of Numenor

Lone Wolf: The Age of Numenor

Lone Wolf Age of Numenor is a large scale mod that sets Lone Wolf during the time of Realms in Exile

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Skinning in Layers

Avatar of Yarrum


Category: Graphics
Level: Intermediate
Created: Tuesday January 4, 2011 - 14:27
Updated: Monday January 10, 2011 - 18:52
Views: 6149
Summary: This tutorial explains the steps of skinning effetively using multiple layers, tools and filters.


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STEP 3 - shadows and highlights

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Now let's give some depth to these shapes starting with the bottom one. Go to Window>Brushes, this will open the brushes tab if it isn't already opened, I'll be setting up the basic shadows (burn tool) and highlights (dodge tool) so I use a big brush, roughly 30-50 pixels with 0% hardness and I select Shape Dynamics>Size Jitter/Angle jitter at around 30% and Scattering also at 30%, I also enable Noise. Both the burn and dodge tool are set to Midtones and again at 30%, burn the areas that have something in front of them and highlight a few areas. When you use smaller brushes it's better to disable scattering and sometimes the shape dynamics I normally leave noise enabled.

STEP 4 - depth and color

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When you add color into the equation you'll have to deal with saturation when using dodge and burn, these are the setting I normally use to keep it in check:

Dodge tool
-Highlights 5-15% increases the saturation a lot
-Midtones 15%-30% increases the saturation a bit
-Shadows depends decreases the saturation a lot
Burn tool
-Shadows 5-15% increases the saturation a lot
-Midtones 15%-30% increases the saturation a bit
-Highlights depends decreases the saturation a lot

90% of the time I only use midtones but if I want something very bright I use dodge with highlights selected or if I want something very dark I use burn with shadows selected, the inverse settings I use to decrease the saturation in some areas, you can also use the sponge tool.

In this case I used dodge in the middle with a big brush 90px and used burn in the areas closer to the edges. With a smaller brush I burned the area beneath the straps and dodged the edge close to the center I also burned the area between the two highlighted areas.

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Louis Lux's Profile1514January 4, 2011 - 16:56


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Lauri (Team Chamber Member) - Wednesday January 5, 2011 - 13:31

I've seen it before, but it still amazes me.. Well done by Louis!

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