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Editing ingame text : CSF & STR

Avatar of Hostile


Category: Code
Level: Beginner
Created: Monday March 26, 2007 - 11:01
Updated: Saturday June 27, 2009 - 18:53
Views: 13155
Summary: Learn to edit the in-game text


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6 votes

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Converting CSF to STR

This bit will explain how to convert a BFME CSF file into a STR file (which can also be used by BFME), which is much easier to edit.

  • Open your csf file with CSFEditor.
  • Select 'File' / 'Export' / 'to ini'
  • save it somewhere as LOTR.INI (NOT in the lang folder of bfme, stick it on your desktop or something.)
  • next, open that new ini file with a hex editor
  • you can delete this bit:


  • then find the replace function
  • you need to replace the following HEX strings in THIS ORDER!!
    0D 0A -> 22 0D 0A 45 4E 44 0D 0A 0D 0A.
    3D -> 0D 0A 22
    7C -> 5C 6E

  • Then save the file into your data folder as LOTR.STR.
  • once saved, open it in notepad go to the end of the file and remove the extra:


Links / Downloads

Hex Editor2545April 3, 2007 - 6:35
colorINI2527March 30, 2007 - 17:42
CSF Editor3637March 30, 2007 - 17:29


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Prolong - Wednesday July 28, 2010 - 8:02

Ah I should have mentioned ages ago - your method to convert a CSF file into a STR file will never actually work because it doesn't account for the '=' character in the game's tooltips, so every STR file you make with it will have syntax errors around those tooltips. I don't remember them all but they include the Fortress upgrade tooltips Burning Forges, Eregion Forge, Excavations (or at least two of those)... and I think there's others as well. You'll basically have to manually fix all of these after converting the file, which means starting and crashing the game for the next error message many times until it works.

borbak trufa - Friday August 8, 2008 - 11:34

Thanks for this tutorial, it's really useful, I would never have found the ingame text without it. Now I've got one question: Do I have to activate subtitles or do anything other than changing them to get them working? Cos I dunno how to activate subtitles, there ain't an option in BFME settings menu. Or do they activate themselves automatically after being edited?


Thanks for this tutorial, it's really useful, I would never have found the ingame text without it. Now I've got one question: Do I have to activate subtitles or do anything other than changing them to get them working? Cos I dunno how to activate subtitles, there ain't an option in BFME settings menu. Or do they activate themselves automatically after being edited?

Acronos - Thursday February 7, 2008 - 18:55

If I installed patches for BFMEII, do I have to change the text in those .str files too?
Or can I just change lotr.str?

Medicleous - Sunday February 3, 2008 - 3:14

Ok done, that helped. However some hundreds of lines failed to convert properly, I had to go in and manually add the " and END commands. Works now though, thanks.

m@tt (Team Chamber Member) - Saturday February 2, 2008 - 3:55

The Hex Editor has a replace function (under the search menu), just fill it in and hit Replace All.

Medicleous - Friday February 1, 2008 - 17:37

I also don't understand this rediculous tutorial. I've spent ten minutes staring at this hex code and don't know where to start. There's heaps of 0D 0As throughout the code, do I replace all of them? If this is the best the 3rd Age community can do then god help us all.


I also don't understand this rediculous tutorial. I've spent ten minutes staring at this hex code and don't know where to start. There's heaps of 0D 0As throughout the code, do I replace all of them? If this is the best the 3rd Age community can do then god help us all.

Maereandil - Monday October 22, 2007 - 2:26

May I add that for some languages for Bfme2 and Rotwk the game still uses CSF files. Maybe you can add that.

Bart (Administrator) - Sunday August 19, 2007 - 2:22


CNCM_BLITZ - Saturday August 18, 2007 - 19:55

I cant understand THIS part.

you need to replace the following HEX strings in THIS ORDER!!

0D 0A -> 22 0D 0A 45 4E 44 0D 0A 0D 0A.
3D -> 0D 0A 22
7C -> 5C 6E "

I dont really know what I am replacing. Is it the part before ->?

Bart (Administrator) - Saturday August 18, 2007 - 17:38

you just need to find the 'find and replace' function, which is of course different depending on what hex editor you use

in Notepad++ it's Ctrl+H

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