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Beginner INI for Units

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Category: Code
Level: Beginner
Created: Monday June 18, 2012 - 23:25
Updated: Tuesday February 12, 2013 - 20:26
Views: 15126
Summary: Understanding Basic Parts to an Object


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Introduction to Editing Units with End Statements.

The following Statements are basic modifiers that require end statements: Locomotor, Weaponset, and Armorset. The following code will show how these are used in aragorns INI file. As you notice these are not set with normal values, these are set with variable names, instead of numbers. There are different types of objects when coding. The standing object is a unit, building, or hero. Other types include Weapon, Locomotor, and Armor.
When you extract the INI folder, you will find these under:

These will have their own stats, and will be treated differently than an object because they are something different.

Locomotor HeroHumanLocomotor ; basically same as human but doesn't do formations.
    Surfaces = GROUND RUBBLE
    TurnTime = 500 ; measured in milliseconds
    TurnTimeDamaged = 500 ; measured in milliseconds
    FastTurnRadius        = 9 ; Can turn in a 10 foot radius circle when moving.
    SlowTurnRadius        = 1 ; Turns in place from a standing start.
    Acceleration = 210 ; .21 second to accelerate to full speed.
    FormationPriority        = NO_FORMATION ; used for hordes

    Braking = 210 ; .21 second to brake from full speed.
    MinTurnSpeed = 0%
    ZAxisBehavior = NO_Z_MOTIVE_FORCE
    Appearance = TWO_LEGS
    StickToGround = Yes ; walking guys aren't allowed to catch huge (or even small) air.
    CanMoveBackwards = Yes ; Can move backwards when afraid.
    BackingUpSpeed        =    33%


This Locomotor is being used in 'Object GondorAragorn', to specify his speed, braking, and turn speed.

Object GondorAragorn
    LocomotorSet ; movement
        Locomotor = HeroHumanLocomotor ; ; This is the Locomotor coded above.
        Condition = SET_NORMAL ; ; This means default
        Speed = NORMAL_GOOD_HERO_SPEED ; ; This is a CONSTANT that is defined in data\ini\gamedata.ini
    End ; this Ends the locomotorset

    WeaponSet ; damage
        Conditions        = None ; ;
        Weapon            = PRIMARY GondorAragornSword ; ;
    End ; this Ends the weaponset

    ArmorSet ; defence to enemy attacks
        Conditions        = None ; ;
        Armor = ToughHeroArmor ; ;
        DamageFX = NormalDamageFX
    End ; this Ends the armorset

End ; this ends gondorAragorn object.


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Amonrath - Monday August 14, 2017 - 2:40

Hello, I'm a bit confused. Let's say I just wanted to make Heroes in general stronger. How would I do that? I change the armor values and health values of aragorn. But in game, they don't change at all. What should I do?

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