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Beginner INI for Units

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Category: Code
Level: Beginner
Created: Monday June 18, 2012 - 23:25
Updated: Tuesday February 12, 2013 - 20:26
Views: 15126
Summary: Understanding Basic Parts to an Object


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And Last but not Least Modules. Modules are used to set unit health, add/remove timers, set the model and skin used as well as its animations, enable use of special ability, and set the amount of units in a horde, as well as their positions, makes a building gain resources, and even renders the unit invisible when still, like rangers, or mirkwood archers.

The first module I will show you is a health module.

    Body = RespawnBody ModuleTag_RespawnBody ;RespawnBody is a catagory of module, and ModuleTag_RespawnBody is a name thought of by yourself
        CheerRadius             = EMOTION_CHEER_RADIUS
        MaxHealth         = ARAGORN_HEALTH ;
        PermanentlyKilledByFilter    = NONE        ;Who kills me permanently?
        DodgePercent         = HERO_DODGE_PERCENT    ;    

The Statement Body, requires an end because it has sub-categories.
The Variable ARAGORN_HEALTH can be edited manually by typing in your own numbers like so

    Body = RespawnBody ModuleTag_RespawnBody ;RespawnBody is a catagory of module, and ModuleTag_RespawnBody is a name thought of by yourself
        CheerRadius             = EMOTION_CHEER_RADIUS
        MaxHealth         = 19523
        PermanentlyKilledByFilter    = NONE        ;Who kills me permanently?
        DodgePercent         = HERO_DODGE_PERCENT    ;    

This module is being written as it were in a mod though, when using modules in a map.ini file, you must us one of these 3 statements, AddModule, ReplaceModule, RemoveModule.

Since Aragorn already has a health module, if we would like to change his health in a map.ini we will have to replace module like so...

ReplaceModule ModuleTag_RespawnBody ; Which Module are we replacing that already exists?
    Body = RespawnBody ModuleTag_NewRespawnBody ; This will be the new name of the module
        CheerRadius             = EMOTION_CHEER_RADIUS
        MaxHealth         = 19523
        PermanentlyKilledByFilter    = NONE        ;Who kills me permanently?
        DodgePercent         = HERO_DODGE_PERCENT    ;    
    End ; end body
End ; end ReplaceModule

When using AddModule, or ReplaceModule, you must have an end statement for the body/behavior and the ReplaceModule or AddModule.

Object GondorAragorn

    ReplaceModule ModuleTag_RespawnUpdate
    Behavior = RespawnUpdate ModuleTag_NewRespawnUpdate
        DeathAnim                = DYING                ;Model condition to play when killed-to-respawn
        DeathFX                = FX_AragornDieToRespawn     ;FXList to play when killed-to-respawn
        DeathAnimationTime        = 3933                ;How long DeathAnim will take.
        InitialSpawnFX            = FX_AragornInitialSpawn    ;FXList to play when respawning.
        RespawnAnim                = LEVELED                ;Animation to play when respawning.
        RespawnFX                = FX_ResurrectionAragorn    ;FXList to play when respawning.
        RespawnAnimationTime        = 2000                ;Time it takes for respawn to play.
        AutoRespawnAtObjectFilter    = NONE +CASTLE_KEEP        ;Respawn at this location -- and at it's exit production point if possible.
        ButtonImage                = HIAragorn_res
        ;RespawnEntries determine the ruleset for how a character can be revived. Some units may automatically respawn, others
        ;may require a specific revive action performed on him. You can specify different values for each level... or use Level:Any
        RespawnRules =    AutoSpawn:No        Cost:10000        Time:60000        Health:100%        ;DEFAULT VALUES
        RespawnEntry =    Level:2                Cost:10000        Time:60000;60 seconds                    ; ;50% cost, 1x buildtime ;For other levels, only override what is different.
        RespawnEntry =    Level:3                Cost:10000        Time:60000;60 seconds
        RespawnEntry =    Level:4                Cost:10000        Time:60000;60 seconds
        RespawnEntry =    Level:5                Cost:10000        Time:120000;120 seconds                    ; ;65% cost, 2x buildtime
        RespawnEntry =    Level:6                Cost:10000        Time:120000;120 seconds
        RespawnEntry =    Level:7                Cost:10000        Time:120000;120 seconds
        RespawnEntry =    Level:8                Cost:10000        Time:180000 ;180 seconds                ; ;80% cost, 3x buildtime
        RespawnEntry =    Level:9                Cost:10000        Time:180000 ;180 seconds
        RespawnEntry =    Level:10            Cost:10000        Time:180000 ;180 seconds
    End; EndBehavior
    End; End ReplaceModule
End; End GondorAragorn

This Will change the respawn cost of aragorn to 10000 resources whenever you would like to rebuild him.
The time is measured in milliseconds(1/1000 of a second).

If you have any questions feel free to post, or PM me.


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Amonrath - Monday August 14, 2017 - 2:40

Hello, I'm a bit confused. Let's say I just wanted to make Heroes in general stronger. How would I do that? I change the armor values and health values of aragorn. But in game, they don't change at all. What should I do?

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