The 3rd Age

The Peloponnesian Wars

The Peloponnesian Wars

The Peloponnesian Wars (or TPW) aims to bring BFME2 into Greece, 5th Century BCE.

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Adding Isildur as a playable Hero

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Category: Code
Level: Beginner
Created: Wednesday February 6, 2013 - 5:32
Updated: Wednesday February 6, 2013 - 6:21
Views: 17009
Summary: I show you how can you make Isildur as a playable hero


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Open the playertemplate.ini. Here's an example :

PlayerTemplate FactionGondor
    Side = Gondor
    PlayableSide = Yes
    Evil             = No
    StartMoney = 0
    MaxLevelMP            = 33 ; 32 ; 1 extra for CB
    MaxLevelSP            = 78 ;80
    PreferredColor = R:43 G:150 B:179
    IntrinsicSciences    = SCIENCE_GOOD
    IntrinsicSciencesMP = SCIENCE_GONDOR
    SpellBook            = GoodSpellBook
    SpellBookMp            = GondorSpellBook
    PurchaseScienceCommandSet    = GoodSpellStoreCommandSet
    PurchaseScienceCommandSetMP    = GondorSpellStoreCommandSet
    ;SpecialPowerShortcutCommandSet = SpecialPowerShortcutChina
    ;SpecialPowerShortcutWinName = GenPowersShortcutBarChina.wnd
    ;SpecialPowerShortcutButtonCount = 5
    DisplayName = INI:FactionGondor
    ;StartingBuilding = GondorStable
    ;StartingUnit0 = GondorFighter
    DefaultPlayerAIType = GondorSkirmishAI
    ;ScoreScreenImage = China_ScoreScreen
    ;LoadScreenImage = SNFactionLogoPage_China
    ;LoadScreenMusic = Load_China
    ;FlagWaterMark = WatermarkChina
    ;EnabledImage = SSObserverChina
    BeaconName = MultiplayerBeacon
    ;SideIconImage = GameinfoCHINA
    LightPointsUpSound = GondorLightPointsUp
    ObjectiveAddedSound = Gui_MissionObjectiveNew
    ObjectiveCompletedSound = Gui_MissionObjectiveCompleted
    InitialUpgrades    = Upgrade_GondorFaction ;Any upgrades this player template is born with.
    BuildableHeroesMP = GondorGandalf GondorBoromir GondorFaramir RohanPippin
    SpellStoreCurrentPowerLabel = APT:SpellStoreCurrentEvenstarPower
    SpellStoreMaximumPowerLabel = APT:SpellStoreMaximumEvenstarPower

Look "BuildableHeroesMP". You need to add "GondorIsildur". Type GondorIsildur after Rohanpippin. You need to hit a space so :

BuildableHeroesMP = GondorGandalf GondorBoromir GondorFaramir RohanPippin GondorIsildur

And we are done. If you want to add Isildur to Rohan or any other faction just do the same with the other "BuildableHeroesMP"

Thx for reading and I hope it works for you too! If you have any question about these easy and little modifications write a comment and I try to answer with my best abilities.


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osama4703 - Monday March 30, 2020 - 12:47

What do you do with the coppied command.set?

Randy - Friday July 28, 2017 - 1:41

Nothing. Isildur was never ment to be playable, he's mostly just in for some story scenes, the opening and maybe he was supposed to be playable at some point but they didn't bother to take him out. Either way, they never bothered including soundfiles for him.

moustafahdr - Monday January 2, 2017 - 1:25

Thx it works fine except He has no audio he doesnt make any noises at all. Any Idea what I could have done wrong

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