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Making patrols near buildings

Avatar of bilbothehobbit


Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Thursday November 5, 2020 - 10:39
Updated: Sunday March 20, 2022 - 16:53
Views: 4676
Summary: This tutorial will show you how to make buildings have patrols.


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Before you edit the building you want, you will need to make ChildObjects of the desired patrol. For example, if I want to make a Lorien Archer patrol the Elven Barracks, I will go to elvenlorienarcher.ini, which is located at data\ini\object\goodfaction\units\elven, go to the end of the file, after the last End, and add these lines of code:

ChildObject LorienArcher_B ElvenLorienArcher
    IsTrainable = No
    CommandPoints = 0
    EquivalentTo = ElvenLorienArcher

    RadarPriority = UNIT

    CommandSet = EmptyCommandSet

    Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_02
        CheerRadius = EMOTION_CHEER_RADIUS
        MaxHealth = 100
        MaxHealthDamaged = 50
        BurningDeathBehavior = Yes
        BurningDeathFX = FX_InfantryBurningFlame

    Behavior = SlavedUpdate ModuleTag_Slave
        GuardMaxRange = 100
        GuardWanderRange = 100
        UseSlaverAsControlForEvaObjectSightedEvents = No
        DieOnMastersDeath = Yes
        FadeOutRange = 0
        FadeTime = 1000 //in msec

Let's review the code step by step.

ChildObject LorienArcher_B ElvenLorienArcher --> This line creates a new unit, that has all of the Lorien Archer traits, and we can change it the way we want

KindOf = PRELOAD CAN_CAST_REFLECTIONS INFANTRY PATH_THROUGH_EACH_OTHER SCORE CAN_BE_REPULSED --> This lines set what type of unit the object will be. These KindOfs are my preference, but you can change it to different kindofs of your choosing.

Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_02
        CheerRadius = EMOTION_CHEER_RADIUS
        MaxHealth = 100
        MaxHealthDamaged = 50
        BurningDeathBehavior = Yes
        BurningDeathFX = FX_InfantryBurningFlame
--> These lines set the amount of health the patroling unit will have.

Behavior = SlavedUpdate ModuleTag_Slave
        GuardMaxRange = 100
        GuardWanderRange = 100
        UseSlaverAsControlForEvaObjectSightedEvents = No
        DieOnMastersDeath = Yes
        FadeOutRange = 0
        FadeTime = 1000 //in msec
--> These lines of code set the unit to be patroling a building, and to what distance they will go

DieOnMastersDeath = Yes --> Make the unit die when the Building it guards dies, you can change it to 'No' if you want to disable their death.

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