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Making patrols near buildings

Avatar of bilbothehobbit


Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Thursday November 5, 2020 - 10:39
Updated: Sunday March 20, 2022 - 16:53
Views: 4814
Summary: This tutorial will show you how to make buildings have patrols.


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To add the patrol to a building, such as the Elven Barracks, go to barracks.ini, which is located at data\ini\object\goodfaction\structures\elven, and add this somewhere in the file:

Behavior = SpawnBehavior ModuleTag_Spawn
    SpawnNumber = 2
    InitialBurst = 2
    SpawnTemplateName = LorienArcher_B
    SpawnReplaceDelay = 35000
    CanReclaimOrphans = Yes
    TriggeredBy = Upgrade_NameOfDesiredUpgrade

SpawnNumber = 2 --> this line sets the amount of units of the type LorienArcher_B will be patroling.

SpawnTemplateName = LorienArcher_B --> This line sets which type of unit will come out, in this case it's the ChildObject LorienArcher_B, which we created last page.

SpawnReplaceDelay = 35000 --> After the unit dies, how long (in miliseconds) until he is being replaced.

TriggeredBy = Upgrade_NameOfDesiredUpgrade --> This line will make the slaves start patroling only after the Object that you put this behavior in, the Elven Barracks in this case, will receive whatever upgrade you want. You don't have to include this line.

And that should be it! I hope this tutorial helped you!

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