The 3rd Age



This mod tends to follow the lore of books and films along with bringing the realism in the gameplay

Button for The 3rd AgeButton for The Dwarf HoldsButton for The Elven AllianceButton for Helm's Deep Last HopeButton for GothmogtheOrcButton for BFME+Button for The Four AgesButton for HDR HeadquartersButton for Middle Earth CenterButton for Project Perfect Mod

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Adding a New hero- bfme2 & rotwk

Avatar of SquallBK


Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Saturday June 9, 2007 - 4:39
Updated: Tuesday January 18, 2011 - 18:50
Views: 45256
Summary: This is an updated version, to make it easier for those modding bfme2 & rotwk.


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So now you need to make lotr.str references. This is an absolute necessity if you want your custom hero recruit text to appear in game along with its displayname and that kind of stuff. So now find this part of the code in Fingolfin's INI-

    DisplayName             = OBJECT:ElvenGlorfindel
    RecruitText             = CONTROLBAR:ElvenGlorfindelRecruit    ;;;;;;;;;;;; Anyone who gets revived should get these
    ReviveText                = CONTROLBAR:ElvenGlorfindelRevive    ;;
    Hotkey                    = CONTROLBAR:ElvenGlorfindelHotkey    ;;            If not, it won't look too bad.    

once you have found it, before you begin editing, open up your english.big which is located in the lang folder in the main bfme2 or Rotwk directory. extract the lotr.str file to your desktop or somewhere easy to find. Open it with a text editor like wordpad or notepad. Notepad, I personally think is the better one for coding. Now you can add the hero references anywhere if you like, but it is easier to be able to know where they are. You can do what you want but I would suggest finding references similar to the code above that I have showed you and add your references near that. now add these codes in the lotr.str-



"The custom recruit text for your hero goes here"

"When your hero dies, this is the revive text to revive it"


once you finished that, change the lotr.str references in your ini file, and put the new lotr.str in the english.big file.

Go on to the next page to see how to get your hero in the game as a playable hero.


Display order: Newest first

tromerix - Thursday July 7, 2016 - 2:13

Hi all im new here and im new at bfme1-2 and rotw. i follow all steps and i create some news heroes but they don't level up i need help with that how can make them level up plz?? :)


Hi all im new here and im new at bfme1-2 and rotw. i follow all steps and i create some news heroes but they don't level up i need help with that how can make them level up plz?? :)


Hi all im new here and im new at bfme1-2 and rotw. i follow all steps and i create some news heroes but they don't level up i need help with that how can make them level up plz?? :)

Tuka93 - Monday August 24, 2009 - 10:09

Yeah its a nice tut but i guess i have a problem!
my hero comes out in level 0!!!
and that way i cant use power!plis help me to fix it!
thx (sorry the bad ingrish) :)


very nice tut and easy!
just one thing u forgot... the experiencelevels.ini

Nethelen Narçu - Monday February 9, 2009 - 16:36

Now it works, but my hero is on Lvl 0 and can't use the powers.

JRReed16 - Wednesday January 28, 2009 - 20:04

Very nice guide, easy to follow. My only problem is using my new hero in WotR mode. I added the needed entry to Living World buildable units, but when I try to select the new hero after it is built from a fortress on the world map, the game crashes. Any ideas?

Nethelen Narçu - Wednesday January 21, 2009 - 15:13

When i do this it says Error defining module 'W3DScriptedModelDraw' on thing template 'GondorFaramir'. The module 'W3DScriptedModelDraw' has the tag 'ModuleTag_DRAW' which must be unique amoung all modules for this object, but the model tag 'ModuleTag_DRAW' is also already on draw module 'W3DScriptedModelDraw' within this object.

Please make unique tag names with an object definition.

What can i do?


When i do this it says Error defining module 'W3DScriptedModelDraw' on thing template 'GondorFaramir'. The module 'W3DScriptedModelDraw' has the tag 'ModuleTag_DRAW' which must be unique amoung all modules for this object, but the model tag 'ModuleTag_DRAW' is also already on draw module 'W3DScriptedModelDraw' within this object.

Please make unique tag names with an object definition.

What can i do?


Still doesn't work

Brenn - Sunday September 7, 2008 - 6:42

i don't find lotr.str.

KingRikhard - Tuesday March 11, 2008 - 11:04

Where to copy and paste glorfindel.ini?

Squieonat - Tuesday March 4, 2008 - 17:36

Very nicely-written.

ILUTAVAR - Saturday January 12, 2008 - 19:00

usable thing!

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